Introduction to the Arthritis Cure
The arthritis cure comes from Borax, a natural mineral that has been used for centuries as a household cleaner and laundry booster. It is also used in the production of glass, ceramics, enamel, and insulation.
Borax is not only an effective remedy for arthritis but it can also be used to treat other health conditions such as eczema, psoriasis, and acne.
Boron, is in Borax, and a trace mineral that helps the body absorb calcium and magnesium. Boron deficiency can lead to arthritis symptoms such as joint pain and inflammation.
It is an essential mineral that has been shown to have many health benefits. Boron can be found in many foods and drinks, but it can also be taken as a supplement. This element has been shown to help with bone strength, joint pain, and muscle soreness. It now has come to be known as “the arthritis cure” in some circles.
Boron and Arthritis: The Results of a Double-blind Pilot Study – Abstract
This report describes the conduct and results of a double-blind trial comparing oral intake of 6 mg of boron per day to placebo in the treatment of arthritis. The results indicate that boron may well be beneficial. Of the 10 patients on boron, five improved and five did not, but only one of the 10 patients on the placebo improved. This was essentially a pilot trial which showed that a small quantity of boron would greatly relieve severe osteo-arthritis.
Of those starting the trial, 50% using boron improved as compared with 10% on placebo; or if we consider those who completed the trial, 71% improved while using boron. There were no side-effects and these were sought. The indication is that boron (as sodium tetraborate decahydrate) are safe and beneficial in the treatment of osteo-arthritis and that further research is required.
@inproceedings{Travers1990BoronAA, title={Boron and Arthritis: The Results of a Double-blind Pilot Study}, author={R D Travers and George C. Rennie and Rex E. Newnham}, year={1990} }
The Arthritis Cure that Cleans Your Clothes!
Boron was first discovered by chemists in 1808 when they were looking for the element beryllium. They found borax instead which was named after the Latin word for borax which means “salt of bora” or “salt of Bora” which was the name of an ancient town in the Bora mountains in the eastern Alps). Boron is known to be an essential mineral for living organisms, and it is a component of several human proteins.
Borax is used as a detergent for laundry, stain remover for clothing, face wash and toothpaste. It can also be used as a rodent repellent because it irritates rodents. As a potential arthritis cure, it also irritates big pharma! Borax is still only a few bucks for a big box that will last a very long time.

Borax and boron are two different substances that have a lot of similarities. They are both white powders, they are both soluble in water, and they both have a pH of 10. Both may be the arthritis cure!
Borax is a salt that is made up of sodium, boric acid, and water. Boron is an element that has the atomic number 5 and similar to Borax minus the sodium . Borax is also known as sodium tetraborate. Borax is mainly located in only two locations in the world with 25 percent coming from a town named Boron in California and the remaining 75 percent coming from Turkey.
Who Made the Arthritis Cure Connection?
Borax is an arthritis cure protocol. It was created by Dr. Sircus, who is a medical doctor and naturopath. . The borax arthritis cure can be administered to patients through several different ways. Some of these methods include:1. Topical application in the form of an ointment2. Diet protocol, including boron rich diet and supplementation with borax, vitamin C, and magnesium3. Oral administration4. . Ionization therapy, which differs from traditional acupuncture by manipulating the electrical charge on the skin to an increased positive charge and an increased negative charge on the skin.
Dr. Sircus has been in the field of natural medicine for over 30 years and has been involved in the research of natural remedies for many diseases, including cancer, AIDS, malaria, and arthritis. . His experience in the field of natural medicine allows him to provide a well-rounded approach to health and wellness.
Dr. Sircus is the author of numerous books on natural healing, including his most recent book, “The Cure for All Cancers: Prevent and Reverse Disease Using Natural, Effective Methods”. #1A Detox Bath Detoxing is an effective way of removing toxins from the body. The detoxification process begins with the skin, which is constantly eroding waste products through sweat and sebaceous secretions. In addition, the liver can eliminate internal toxins by manufacturing bile acids, which help to break down fats in food,
Doctors Were Using Borax for Inflammation 150 Years Ago!
Borax has been used as an anti-inflammatory agent for centuries and it was first introduced as an arthritis cure by Dr. John Harvey Kellogg in 1877. It was also used by Dr. Kellogg as a remedy for other ailments such as constipation, indigestion, and sore throat.

The Arthritis Cure Protocol
The borax arthritis cure protocol consists of taking one tablespoon of borax mixed with one cup of water three times per day on an empty stomach. The protocol also includes taking one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar mixed with one cup of water three times per day on an empty stomach before meals. .The borax arthritis cure contains natural ingredients and is considered safe for consumption. In some cases, people have complained of stomach cramps or mild diarrhea when starting the protocol. People should experiment with dosages to see what works for them and to determine how long they can keep taking the supplements without negative side effects.
The Borax Arthritis Cure claims to have helped people with arthritis and pain relief. Many people recommend this protocol because it has natural ingredients and is considered safe for consumption. Some people have complained of stomach cramps or mild diarrhea when starting this protocol. The protocol recommends a daily dose of three teaspoons (12.5 grams) of Borax, taken in eight 8-oz. glasses of water or juice each day. However, one person who tried this protocol reported stomach cramps and mild diarrhea, which the website claims can be offset by taking probiotics.
I have read several variations on the arthritis cure protocol from adding one teaspoon of borax into a quart bottle and then taking two to three teaspoons from this mixture per day to three teaspoons per day of borax mixed into water.
Safe and Effective and Even Used in Modern Day Eyedrops
I would suggest starting low and personally put a pinch into drinks a few times a day or the equivalent of around a quarter of a teaspoon per day. You can always bump up the amount but you should first establish that you tolerate it well. The arthritis cure protocol states that unless micro dosing after the initial five day loading dose, you should consume only five days per week and take two days off to flush any excess from your system.
The only difference between Borax and Boron is that Boron has a slightly higher concentration of boric acid than Borax. Borax also contains sodium and as mentioned, slightly less Boric acid than what the over the counter Boron supplement has. Borax is sold as a cleaner and even states that it is poisonous but this is a false propaganda campaign against its use since it is so effective and cheap! Even though it is now banned from internal use, the eye drop industry’s main ingredient is boric acid! How can it be banned for internal use when it is an essential mineral? Hmmm.
Boron/Borax, the arthritis cure, is essential in our diets with the RDA set at 3 mg. It is believed that we average only about 1 to 2 mg of boron due to soil depletion. An apple from 50 years ago had nearly 5 times the boron as it does today! Countries like the USA that average less than the 3mg minimum have a verifiably higher incidence of arthritis!
I Have Been Using Arthritis Cure On and Off for Decades
I have only been back on the protocol as of this writing for less than a week but after just a couple of days, I felt a very noticeable difference in my arthritis pain in my back. I experienced much more flexibility than I have had in a long time and my movement was flowing instead of stiff and almost robotic as it has been. I still have some hip pain but the improvement has been reported from almost immediate to a gradual increase in mobility with less pain over a few weeks. Remember to get sunshine and or supplement with D and boron just happens to be a D cofactor booster!
I am excited at the prospects and anyone suffering from the various forms of arthritis is encouraged to try this arthritis cure protocol out! It’s pure and natural and instead of drugs, has no ill side effects!
Strange Sentiments on Borax, the Arthritis Cure, of Course from Big Pharma
In some countries (e.g. Australia, NZ, USA) borax can still be found in the laundry and cleaning sections of supermarkets. There is no “food-grade” borax available or necessary. All borax is the same and “natural”, and usually mined in California or Turkey, whether it has been packed in China or any other country. The label usually states that it is 99% pure (or 990g/kg borax) which is safe to use, and is the legal standard for agricultural grade borax. Up to 1% mining and refining residues are permitted. Boric acid, if available, may be used at about ⅔ the dose of borax, it is not for public sale in Australia.
There will be no natural arthritis cure! Big pharma hates when a cheap, open source cure is not quashed! Borax is becoming quite difficult to find compared to years ago. I wonder why?:)
Use as essential Mineral: Firstly dissolve a lightly rounded teaspoonful (5-6 grams) of borax in 1 litre of good quality water. This is your concentrated solution keep it out of reach of small children.

Uses and Dosage for the Arthritis Cure
Standard dose for arthritis cure = 1 teaspoon (5 ml) of concentrate. This has 25 to 30 mg of borax and provides about 3 mg of boron. Take 1 dose per day mixed with drink or food. If that feels right then take a second dose with another meal. If there is no specific health problem or for maintenance you may continue indefinitely with 1 or 2 doses daily.
The arthritis cure protocol treats the following with a slightly modified dosage:
osteoporosis and related conditions, cramps or spasms, stiffness due to advancing years, menopause, and low sex hormone production.
increase intake to 3 or more spaced-out standard doses. The arthritis cure should last for several months or longer until you feel that your problem has sufficiently improved. Once satisfied, drop back to 1 or 2 doses per day.
For treating Candida, other fungi and mycoplasmas, or for removing fluoride from the body – using your bottle of concentrated solution: Not only an arthritis cure but a toxic substance cure?
Low dose for low body weight: 100 ml or 1/8 teaspoon of borax powder or 500 mg; best with or after main carbohydrate meal.
Medium dose for heavier individuals or more pervasive Candida: 200 ml or 1/4 teaspoon/1000 mg of borax powder; take with or after 2 meals.
High dose for strong fungal/Candida problems such as autoimmune diseases, cancer or dementia: ½ tsp of borax powder mixed with food.
The Arthritis Cure Usage and Dosing Times
Always start with a lower dose and increase gradually to the intended or effective maximum. Take the effective amount as long as required for 4 or 5 days a week, or interrupt for one week each month, or periodically alternate between borax and another fungicide.
For vaginal thrush fill a large size gelatine capsule with borax and insert it at bedtime for one to two weeks. With toe fungus or athlete’s foot wet the feet and rub them with borax powder.
You may take borax mixed with food or in drinks. It is rather alkaline and in higher concentrations has a soapy taste. You may disguise this with lemon juice, vinegar or ascorbic acid. Maybe the arthritis cure should be re-named to the Swiss Army Knife cure!
Possible Side-Effects of the Arthritis Cure
While side-effects from pharmaceutical drugs tend to be negative and often dangerous, with natural medicine such as borax therapy these are usually healing reactions with beneficial long-term effects. Most common is the Herxheimer reaction from eliminating Candida. This is the main cause of pain or discomfort in the digestive system when starting with borax supplementation.
In some of the above forum posts rapid improvement was experienced within days. This is always a functional response. High cellular calcium levels cause muscle contraction with cramps or spasms as a common cause of pain. Boron, especially together with magnesium, can rapidly relax these muscles and take away the pain.
However, with long-standing severe calcifications a large amount of calcium cannot be redistributed in a short time. This leads to increased calcium levels in the affected area, especially the hips and shoulders, and can cause problems for a considerable time, such as a tendency to severe cramping and pain, or problems with the blood circulation, or nerve transmission.
Nerve-related effects in hands and feet may be numbness, or reduced sensitivity or feeling in the skin. Higher amounts of calcium and fluoride passing through the kidneys may cause temporary kidney pain. Further, kidney pain appears to be mainly due to kidney stones being released. After a few days the stones are usually cleared, and the pain stops.
Such healing reactions cannot be avoided when aiming for a higher level of health, but they can be minimized by increasing borax levels only gradually. Whenever you experience an unpleasant effect reduce or temporarily stop borax intake until the problem subsides. Then gradually start increasing again. Helpful additional measures are a greatly increased fluid intake, using more organic acids such as lemon juice or vinegar, and improving lymph flow as with rebounding, walking or inverted positions. The arthritis cure appears to cause detox reactions that can be minimized by slowly increasing dose.
Restrictions in the EU
In Europe borax and boric acid have been classified as reproductive poisons, and officially since December 2010 are no longer available to the public within the EU. Presently borax is still available in Switzerland (15), but shipment to Germany is not permitted. In Germany a small amount (20 – 50 grams) may be ordered through a pharmacy as ant poison, it will be registered.
Borax is presently still available from and can be shipped to other EU countries. Also, as leader of the pharmaceutical industry in Europe, Germany is very strict in controlling borax for non-commercial use while some other EU countries are completely ignoring the ban on borax. You vill not take Borax, zee arthritis cure, or you vill be sent to zee Gulag!
Boron tablets can be bought from health shops or the Internet, commonly with 3 mg of boron. In some European countries, such as The Netherlands, these may still contain borax, but not in others, such as Germany, where boron is not allowed in ionic form as with borax or boric acid. While suitable as a general boron supplement, I do not know if or how well they work against Candida and mycoplasmas.
Most scientific studies and individual experiences in regard to arthritis, osteoporosis, or sexual hormones and menopause were with borax or boric acid. It is not yet known if non-ionic boron is as effective as borax. To improve effectiveness, I recommend 3 or more spaced-out boron tablets daily for an extended period combined with sufficient magnesium and a suitable antimicrobial program (16).
Toxicity Issues
Government health agencies are concerned about boron toxicity. You might be concerned as well if you read the following, pertaining to sodium chloride or table salt. 3000mg/kg, dose of table salt killed half of the test animals! [Rats]. The lowest published lethal oral dose in man: 1000 mg/kg. can also contribute to a plethora of adverse side effects. Reproductive, toxemia, birth defects, musculoskeletal effect, coma, dehydration and much more! Table salt!
Salt is Many Times More Toxic than Borax!
Now compare the sodium chloride toxicity with borax: ‘Low acute oral toxicity; LD50 in rats 4,500 to 6,000 mg/kg of body weight. Reproductive/developmental toxicity: Animal feeding studies in rat, mouse and dog, at high doses, have demonstrated effects on fertility and testes. Studies with boric acid in the rat, mouse and rabbit, at high doses, demonstrates developmental effects on the fetus, including fetal weight loss and minor skeletal variations.
The doses administered were many times in excess of those to which humans would normally be exposed. No evidence of carcinogenicity in mice. No mutagenic activity was observed in a battery of short-term mutagenicity assays. Human epidemiological studies show no increase in pulmonary disease in occupational populations with chronic exposures to borate dust and no effect on fertility.’
Here you see that table salt is 50 to 100% more toxic than borax, it changes the genetic material and is mutagenic, while borax is harmless in this regard. Infants are most at risk from high borax ingestion. It has been estimated that 5 to 10 grams can cause severe vomiting, diarrhoea, shock and even death, but it also says that lethal doses are not well documented in the literature.
Toxicity Data
The following toxicity data are from documents of the US Environmental Protection Agency and the Centers for Disease Control.
A review of 784 accidental human poisonings from 10 – 88 grams of boric acid reported no fatalities, with 88% of cases being asymptomatic, meaning they did not notice anything. However, gastrointestinal, cardiovascular, hepatic, renal, and central nervous system effects, dermatitis, erythema, and death have occasionally been observed in some infants, children and adults exposed to more than 84 mg boron/kg, corresponding to more than 40 grams of borax for 60 kg of body weight.
Animal studies have identified reproductive toxicity as the most sensitive effects of boron ingestion. Exposure of rats, mice, and dogs for several weeks showed some damage to the testes and sperm at doses of more than 26 mg boron/kg which corresponds to 15 grams of borax/day for 60 kg body weight. That’s a ton and several hundred times that of the arthritis cure protocol!
Most at risk is the developing fetus, and in the studied animals rats were most affected. In one study slight reductions in the fetal body weight were already found at 13.7 mg boron/kg/day used during pregnancy. The no effect dose during pregnancy was set at less than 13.7 mg/kg/day corresponding to about 7 grams of borax per day for 60 kg body weight. With an added safety factor a no effect value of 9.6 mg boron/kg/day was calculated corresponding to 5 grams of borax for 60 kg. Again, extremely more than the arthritis cure protocol!
The Clinical Facts Using Our Rat Friends
However, a rat study lasting for 3 generations found no reproductive toxicity or effect on the parents or offspring at 30 mg boron/kg/day. This dose corresponds to 17 grams of borax for 60 kg ingested for 3 generations! In another 3-generation study no problem was found at 17.5 mg boron/kg/day, corresponding to 9 grams of borax/60 kg. The next higher tested borax dose of 58.5 mg/kg/day, corresponding to 30 grams of borax/60 kg, resulted in infertility. Therefore, we can assume that the safe reproductive dose is about 20 grams/60 kg/day.
Human studies of the possible association between impaired fertility and high boron levels in water, soil and dust in a Turkish populations, and boron mining and processing workers, found no effect. One study even reported elevated fertility rates in borax production workers as compared to the U.S. national average. T
All this is important because possible reproductive toxicity is the official reason for the present assault on borax. The sodium chloride MSDS mentioned above also states: “While sodium chloride has been used as a negative control in some reproductive studies, it has also been used as an example that almost any chemical can cause birth defects in experimental animals if studied under the right conditions.” Keep this in mind when you read the following.
The Assault on Borax as the Arthritis Cure
Arthritis in its various forms and its close relative osteoporosis affect about 30% of the population in developed countries. Osteoporosis is responsible for more long term hospital care than any other individual disease. This is due to the very high incidence of fractures, and especially the protracted nature of hip fractures. This is a main source of income for the medical-pharmaceutical system. If the boron-magnesium cure for these diseases should become widely known, this vital income stream would dry up and the system collapse. As this is the biggest and most profitable industry in the world, this cannot be allowed to happen.
When Dr Newnham discovered the boron-arthritis cure it was not a big problem for the pharmaceuticals because news travelled slowly and was easily suppressed. This is very different now with Internet communication. Most research funding comes from the pharmaceutical industry, and nothing has come forward to duplicate Dr Newnham’s findings and other positive osteoporosis studies. Instead, funding goes into the development of patentable boron drugs for limited application as in chemotherapy, or even to discredit boron. A test-tube experiment found that a relatively low dose of about 4 grams of borax can damage lymphocytes, just like an earlier test-tube study showed that vitamin C supplements are toxic. Most positive borax studies now come from China, Japan and Turkey.
No Money for Big Pharma so They Demonize Borax Like So Many Other Natural Cures
Furthermore, PubMed is a publicly funded search facility for bio-medical research publications. While other articles for Newnham R.E. and Zhou L.Y. are still listed, the two important borax publications mentioned earlier – about the arthritis trial at the Royal Melbourne Hospital and the treatment of skeletal fluorosis in China – are no longer listed, but they belong there and obviously had been there originally. I suspect that they have been deliberately removed to prevent them from being quoted in other research.
In addition, increasing effort goes into publicly demonizing borax for its alleged reproductive and infant toxicity. As an example I recently read an article by a ‘senior scientist’ of the supposedly ‘green’ Environmental Working Group. In it the perceived dangers of borax were so exaggerated that most comments in effect said: “Thank you for opening my eyes. I did not know how poisonous and dangerous borax is, I certainly will not use it anymore in my laundry, or for cleaning my toilet and kitchen”.

Smear Campaigns are the AMA and FDA’s Specialty!
This is obviously a deliberate campaign to make people grateful for banning borax from public sale. For laundry and cleaning purposes Borax Substitute now replaces the product previously sold as Borax. The EU has spearheaded this campaign. In June 2010 borax and boric acid were reclassified as “Reprotoxic Category 2“, suggesting that they may be harmful to the reproductive functions of humans in high doses In addition, the product package must display the skull and crossbones symbol.
From December 2010 these products were no longer available for public sale within the EU. While this classification now applies for all of Europe, non-EU countries still have some leeway in regard to public sales. This initiative is part of a Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals (GHS) which is to be implemented as soon as possible. Australia is well-advanced on preparing regulations to implement the GHS for industrial chemicals, with new regulations in 2012.
The Typical Scare Tactics
The European Chemicals Agency gave as reason for their reclassification of boron products (paraphrased):
‘The available data do not indicate major differences between laboratory animals and humans, therefore it must be assumed that the effects seen in animals could occur in humans as epidemiological studies in humans are insufficient to demonstrate the absence of an adverse effect of inorganic borates on fertility. 17.5 mg boron/kg/day was derived as a NOAEL (no event level) for male and female fertility. For the rat decreased foetal weight occurred at 13.7 mg boron/kg/day, and a safe limit of 9.6 mg/kg/day has been derived.’ (22)
What they are really saying is this: ‘While we have no human data, animal studies suggest that for adult reproductive functions a daily ingestion of about 2 teaspoons of borax is safe. But to be absolutely sure that no-one is harmed, we will ban it completely.’ Importantly, this ruling is not related to borax in foods or supplements where it is already banned, but only for general use as in laundry or cleaning products or as insecticides. Because borax is not readily absorbed through intact skin, it is difficult to see how even a few milligrams daily could get into the body with the conventional use. If the same standard would apply to other chemicals there would be none left.
Key Study on Borax
The key study in this assessment was published in 1972. Why is this being dug up now to justify banning borax when it was of no concern for the past 40 years? It does not make any scientific sense, especially if you consider that the main chemical in the new borax substitute, sodium percarbonate, is about three times more toxic than borax. Acute oral LD50 values for animals are from 1034 to 2200 mg/kg/day. Even the commonly used sodium bicarbonate, with an animal LD50 of 3360 mg/kg, is nearly twice as toxic as borax. Both of these chemicals have not been tested for long-term reproductive toxicity at the high doses that caused fertility problems in rats and mice.
The same applies to washing powders, with no toxicity as expected if used in the approved way. Ingredients in these products are more toxic than borax yet approved! What about really toxic items such as caustic soda and hydrochloric acid? Why do they remain available to the public when one of the safest household chemicals is banned despite the fact that it is absolutely impossible to cause any reproductive harm with approved use?
Summary on the Arthritis Cure
Regardless of the lack of any scientific credibility, the stage has been set for borax and boric acid to be globally removed from public sale at short or no notice. Even low-level and less effective boron tablets are now tightly controlled by the pharmaceutical industry, and may be restricted at any time through Codex Alimentarius regulations. With this the medical-pharmaceutical system has safely defused any potential danger that borax may have posed to its profitability and survival.
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