Narcissism Does Narcissistic Harm to Other’s Health

Narcissism Does Narcissistic Harm to Other’s Health

The Hallmarks of the Toxic Narcissism

Malignant narcissists are not just annoying but can actually damage others emotional and physical well-being.  Narcissistic people believe they are the best and if you dare disagree, they will punish you for it!

Abusive narcissists are often the cause in unhealthy relationships at work or with family members. Narcissistic people harm good people and their mental health. If you’re dealing with a toxic narcissistic person, it may be time to cut them out of your life for good!

Narcissists hurt others generally close to them to the greatest degree and continue to do so as long as the victim will participate in the abusive relationship. So many individuals believe that if they can only do a little more or be a better person, the narcissist will acknowledge their behavior and show appreciation. The toxic narcissist never relents or improves and will suck the life out of their victims if left to do so. They actually want you dead according to the mental health professionals.  These types of demons ruin millions of peoples lives and health in the process called devaluation and ending with the discard.

The objective of this article is to equate how interaction with toxic narcissists can and will eventually affect your health depending on the length and regularity of the relationship. This article assumes you know about narcissistic personality disorder, NPD, or will research it more on your own. Suffice to say that this personality disorder is debilitating for people involved with the toxic narcissist.

Musical Frequencies & Their Powerful Effect

Musical Frequencies & Their Powerful Effect

Musical Frequencies Background

I am a big fan of Tesla with an appreciation that has grown over the years as I learned more about him. If he believed in something, you probably should listen to his explanation. With this said, I already knew firsthand about the power of musical frequencies as many of us innately and experientially do.

If you want to know the secrets of the Universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.

Nikola Tesla