Lithium Orotate New Health Benefits Uncovered!

Lithium Orotate New Health Benefits Uncovered!

Introduction to Lithium

Lithium is an alkali mineral and one of the trace elements considered essential for both animal and human reproductive health, and general health and wellness. Benefits for new health therapies using lithium orotate have been recently discovered!

Lithium is a soft, silvery-white alkali metal so reactive it sparks when it touches water! It’s found in mineral compounds and in mineral water.

Cosmologists believe that it was one of the 3 elements synthesized in the Big Bang!

Discovered as a chemical element in 1817, lithium’s first recorded modern medical use was in 1871 for the treatment of mania.

Benefits of Creatine More Powerful Than Just Muscle!

Benefits of Creatine More Powerful Than Just Muscle!


Benefits of Creatine are numerous as the most researched bodybuilding supplement of all time. It is a molecule found in skeletal muscle and used as an energy source for cells. It can be stored in the form of phosphocreatine and provide a crucial boost to the cellular reaction cycle. Creatine is a natural supplement comprised of three amino acids (arginine, glycine, and methionine), has been found to increase production of ATP (adenosine triphosphate), the cell’s main energy source. The benefits are several and discussed in this article.

Creatine supplements are used to help replenish the store of phosphocreatine in muscle tissues. A cell’s phosphocreatine stores are important for generating energy, especially during intense physical activity. Oral supplementation has been found to increase the level of phosphocreatine in muscle cells by up to 30% after four days of intake.

Creatine is a supplement that is often used by athletes to increase their muscle mass. It does this by increasing production of adenosine triphosphate, also known as ATP. A recent study has shown that it can increase ATP production by up to 20%. This means that with less effort, you can get the same results.

Toxic Water with PFAS in 33 States Poisoning People

Toxic Water with PFAS in 33 States Poisoning People

Toxic water PFAS found above federally safe levels in 33 states.

What are toxic PFAS?  

According to the NIH: PFAS are a large, complex, and ever-expanding group of manufactured chemicals that are widely used to make various types of everyday products. For example, they keep food from sticking to cookware, make clothes and carpets resistant to stains, and create firefighting foam that is more effective. PFAS are used in industries such as aerospace, automotive, construction, electronics, and military.


DIY Liver Capsules – DIY Supplements Save 70%

DIY Liver Capsules – DIY Supplements Save 70%

Organ Meat (Offal) is a True Superfood Highest in Many Nutrients

Overview –Offal: Types and Composition

Offal accounts for ~ 20% of the live weight of each animal and constitutes a diversity of product types: liver, heart, kidney, brain, pancreas, and tongue. While not achieving a strong acceptance by consumers, offal represents an excellent source of proteins, vitamins, and minerals.

Liver is the single most nutritious food available. Some people like the taste while others are repulsed. This article is for those of you in the majority that don’t like the taste of organ meats but want to enjoy the benefits. Consuming organ supplements is the answer and we will show you how to make your own!

Bill Gates Says Eat Synthetic Beef in 2025 to Save the Planet!

Bill Gates Says Eat Synthetic Beef in 2025 to Save the Planet!

Synthetic beef company or Another Bill Gates Eugenics Project?

The idea of a synthetic beef company is not new. In fact, it was first introduced in the 1930s by Winston Churchill. The idea was to create a meat substitute that would be cheaper and more sustainable than traditional meat. In 2022, Bill Gates says eat synthetic beef while elites like me deserve to eat steak!

Kill Hunger with 2 Secret Hormones You Can Control!

Kill Hunger with 2 Secret Hormones You Can Control!

Manipulate Them to Work Better & Kill Hunger for Free!

I have a confession to make. After writing and creating a video on this subject, I had a revelation. Yes, the pinpointing of these hunger regulating hormones makes sense but I missed the bigger picture. The video is Youtube friendly and won’t get banned like others I have produced but the real story and my hypothesis will only be found in this writing. I am convinced that my theory that follows could possibly be the holy grail for weight loss and health! Read on only if you have an open mind and like alternative solutions…..
