About Holistic Health and Fitness Tips
Holistic Health & Fitness Tips
David Moody
New natural health blog using the 8 Pillars of Holistic Health tenets
Dateline: Arizona, July 16 2022 — New natural health blog delivers research tested and unique holistic solutions for the entire spectrum of health.
Holistic Health and Fitness Tips uses the 8 Pillars of Holistic Health as their guidelines to cover all aspects of health and wellness. These principles offer a sweeping range of virtually all facets of life that combine holistically into complete well being.
Director, David Moody, has 40 years experience in the health field from fitness training to deep research on nutrition and supplements. Mr. Moody was a scholastic athlete in several sports and an all state golfer in Illinois. Sustaining multiple back injuries prompted his journey into physical health and rehabilitation early on in an attempt to restore his mobility. This initial rehab lead to his keen interest in all areas of health from bodybuilding to nutrition.
In recent years, Mr. Moody has explored and researched more esoteric aspects of health and wellness in a holistic approach. At nearly 70 years of age, he has continued bodybuilding with emerging nutrition protocols that have turned back the clock. Most people believe he is in his 40s or 50s. He is a walking testimonial for natural health practices and his passion is now brought to the public with this new website endeavor.
Mr. Moody states, “We have enough big pharma and western medicine propaganda and my belief is that the body, if given holistic health therapies, will survive and thrive at its best.”

Director Dave Moody, Holistic Health
Dave Moody at age 67
“My mission is to bring awareness to the public and create robust health for everyone naturally!”
Holistic Health and Fitness Tips is dedicated to anyone interested in an alternative approach to pharmaceutical drugs and therapies. They do not claim to replace western medicine but to offer alternative solutions.
Articles are posted multiple times per week in one or several of the 8 health pillars that cover the following: Physical, Emotional, Financial, Spiritual, Environmental, Intellectual, Nutritional, and Social. These pillars, as mentioned, are wide ranging yet uniquely interwoven in the holistic health approach.
Another unique feature of the Holistic Health and Fitness Tips site are the health assessment quizzes. Each pillar has its own assessment quiz that evaluates the historic and current state or knowledge of the participant along with applicable videos and articles interspersed within the assessment. The participant receives a custom tailored analysis of their status with personalized recommendations at no charge. Through the use of advanced technology, these assessment quizzes have been loaded with all possible permutations so the participant can instantly receive personalized responses directly to their email.
Additional features employed are review and recommendation reports on the various topics within each pillar. As a self professed supplement “junkie”, Mr. Moody has included posts on many well and lesser known supplements often from a unique angle. He points out commonly reviewed vitamins and minerals with new research and or dose that often get overlooked. Some examples are vitamin D, iodine and magnesium where he points out the variants and dose to be insufficient or in poor delivery systems in some cases.
The 8 pillar philosophy is designed with the belief that all pillars are equally important for holistic health. Financial and environmental pillars appear out of place, however they strategically tie into the complete and holistic picture. Sound fiscal principles as well as avoiding toxins in the environmental pillar, contribute to the holistic wellness of everyone.
Other pillar articles cover current political and medical events that can ultimately affect the health of everyone. Reporting on some subject material, in spite of published research, has resulted in removal from some social media. Mr. Moody does not shy away from controversial findings so readers can count on cutting edge reporting not often found in mainstream media.
Holistic Health and Fitness Tips is reportedly looking to build a like minded community seeking alternative approaches to health and wellness. Mr. Moody admittedly is not a fan of “big pharma” and offers articles pointing out their hypocrisy and tyranny. He seeks to build a community to combat the loss of personal and medical freedoms with the goal of restoring our natural, God given, bodily autonomy. His vision is to bring awareness and motivate visitors to take back their lives and freedom from the ever increasing dominance of big tech and forced medical practices.
The bottom line is to bring critical and often obscured research to the public along with popular topics from a different angle. Mr. Moody has his own opinions and life experience that is often not conventional, however, with research, he likes to offer facts, not conspiracy theories.
Holistic Health and Fitness Tips may not be for everyone but their desire is for open minded visitors to peruse the articles and information from a different angle.
In addition to this holistic health approach, they offer health product reviews and recommendations on digital and physical goods. Topics include best exercise bikes to most complete magnesium supplements with dozens of other subjects. Already a favorite are the DIY make your own survival foods, supplements and other ideas that save money and can be a fun hobby as well. With possible food scarcity and supply chain breakdowns on the horizon, Holistic Health and Fitness Tips is well researched and offers the most current news.
In addition to the trove of articles already on the site, there is a growing library of companion videos to several article topics. The videos are created from the written transcripts so the visitor can listen to the article if preferred.
It is Holistic Health and Fitness Tips hope to educate and inform everyone from young to old in how to live a natural and holistic lifestyle. As an independently owned and operated entity, Mr. Moody reports that they are not beholding to any corporate concerns allowing for journalistic freedom.
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