Vitamin D Deficiency Crisis in America

Vitamin D Deficiency Crisis in America

Question – Why are so many people experiencing vitamin D deficiency?

Question – Is going out in the mid day sun dangerous without using sunscreen?

Question – What is the best method for getting vitamin D, gel cap pill, certain foods, uvb spectrum rays?

Question – What function(s) does vitamin D perform?

Unfortunately, the general public is woefully misinformed or simply unaware of the ramifications of sub clinical levels of vitamin D. We are told to stay out of the sun or at the very least, slather spf one million all over our bodies! Getting vitamins from the sun? What? This sounds like lizard magic! Vitamin D is good for teeth so no big deal since I brush them and they seem to not be falling out. Please read on and take heed if you are one of the many that have no idea about vitamin D

High Rep – Low Weight Bodybuilding Benefits!

High Rep – Low Weight Bodybuilding Benefits!

Research shows benefits of high rep low weight bodybuilding

  • Muscle pumps have been found to stimulate muscle growth:

High volume, lower weight resistance training stimulates the muscles with a high volume of repetitions. This creates fatigue in the muscle which causes an increase in muscular growth. If this type of workout is employed over time, it can stimulate muscle growth because it forces more blood flow to the muscles.

  • Increase in size and shape:

High volume, low intensity workouts can also benefit bodybuilders who want to increase muscle size and modify body shape.

High volume, low weight bodybuilding benefits is a way to build muscle without the heavy weight. The high volume program works to create the muscle pump and the “burn” sensation in muscles.

Diet Flexibility from Metabolic Flexibility Diet Research

Diet Flexibility from Metabolic Flexibility Diet Research

Is there one holy grail diet that works for everyone without exogenous drugs and or supplements? Probably not but I ask that you hear me out and think about what I have concluded for myself after decades of diet research and diet flexibility.

First of all, I have never been morbidly obese but have gotten upwards of 25 percent body fat at times. One of my hobbies has been as a body building enthusiast in my adult years. I have bulked and cut at times but mostly like to stay at a relatively constant weight range in the 15 percent body fat zone and sometimes less.

In the 80’s, I went on low carb Atkins and found that I could maintain very low body fat while working long hours in my business. I lasted for around five or so years on 50 carbs or less per day until I decided that carbs needed to be re-introduced into my diet for energy and strength.

Critical Thinking Affects Health & Well Being?

Critical Thinking Affects Health & Well Being?

Critical thinking may contribute to your overall health!

Healthcare and education

Excerpt: Critical thinking is just one skill crucial to evidence based practice in healthcare and education, write Jonathan Sharples and colleagues, who see exciting opportunities for cross sector collaboration

@article{Sharples2017TI, title={Critical thinking in healthcare and education}, author={Jonathan Sharples and Andrew David Oxman and Kamal Ram Mahtani and Iain Chalmers and Sandy Oliver and Kevan Collins and Astrid Austvoll-Dahlgren and Tammy C. Hoffmann}, journal={British Medical Journal}, year={2017}, volume={357} }
Medical Secrets Expose Medical Tyranny!

Medical Secrets Expose Medical Tyranny!


I would venture to say that the majority of you will be blown away with what you are about to read and hear about medical secrets. I knew bits and pieces of this story over the years but did not know the entire story that I will spell out for you right now. The message I wish to convey is how psychopaths like Rockefeller created a system that that is shameful and against nature and purely money driven. We learn how he did this with other eugenicists, played God and bullied, intimidated and literally ruined those who did not embrace their plans. The chilling part is that his systems are alive and more medically tyrannical than ever!

The Swiss Cheese Model Approach for Better Health

The Swiss Cheese Model Approach for Better Health

Introduction: Definition & Application of the Swiss Cheese Model

The Swiss cheese model of accident causation is a model used in risk analysis and risk management. It also includes aviation safety, engineering, healthcare, emergency service organizations. This approach is also used as the principle behind layered security used in computer security and defense in depth. It likens human systems to multiple slices of Swiss cheese, stacked side by side.

The risk of a threat becoming a reality is mitigated by the differing layers and types of defenses which are “layered” behind each other. Therefore, in theory, lapses and weaknesses in one defense do not allow a risk to materialize preventing a single point of failure. The model was originally introduced by James T. Reason of the University of Manchester,[1] and has since gained widespread acceptance. It is sometimes called the “cumulative act effect”.
