8 Health Pillars

8 pillars of holistic health 8 pillars of powerful holistic health

8 pillars of holistic health are often understood as the absence of disease or sickness. While this definition is valid, it lacks a broader picture. We must assess our health and wellness through a wider lens. We use the 8 pillars as our guideposts in search of robust wellness.


These 8 health pillars give you a framework for optimal wellness. The path to wellness is not one-size-fits-all. The journey is unique on an individual level but guided by the eight pillars.

Your physiology, genetic makeup and environment will determine your individual journey. The common thread is that wellness requires a holistic approach.

Let’s learn more about each pillar and how you can use each one to optimize your health!

8 Health Pillars Video Overview

Physical Pillar

Most people generally think of exercise when they hear “physical wellness.” Exercise is part of the puzzle but not the only aspect of this pillar.

Physical wellness encompasses appropriate sleep, hygiene, and diet.

The National Sleep Foundation recommends adults get at least seven to nine hours of uninterrupted sleep each night.

Hygiene entails more than washing your hands. Incorporating food, water and general gut health amongst other sub categories is part of the protocol.

Diet is of course included in physical wellness. The diet industry is a multibillion-dollar cluster of confusion. We present science-based options specifically designed for your unique body.

Nutritional Pillar

Though nutrition is intimately tied to diet, it requires a separate pillar. Nutrition is affected by age, gender, activity level, and genetic predisposition.

Diets often focus only on achieving a desired body weight. The Biggest Loser is an example of this misdirected goal. Not only do most of the participants regain all the weight but have compromised health as a result. Nutrition involves supplying the body with essential vitamins, minerals, fats, carbohydrates, protein and so much more.

Optimal health demands nutritional foods and supplements that feed your body and mind.

Emotional Pillar

Emotional wellness encompasses the ability to navigate your feelings. This requires identifying, assessing, and effectively communicating.

Out of control emotions affect our physiology in a positive or negative way. Positive emotions boost serotonin and suppress cortisol spikes while negative emotions suppress healthy hormone levels. We cover methods to support your emotional wellness within the 8 health pillars.

Social Pillar

Social health is about connecting with others on a level that benefits your wellness. This is not a one size fits all blueprint. Learning our personal level of socialization to optimize our wellness is explored with you.

Spiritual Pillar

Spirituality is commonly viewed as a sense of purpose, direction, or meaning. Many cultivate their spirituality through meditation, prayer, or other activities that foster a connection to nature or a higher power. Maintaining your spiritual wellness will look different for everyone. Spiritual health is about personalizing your journey. The vehicle to your spiritual health is up to you. We will offer suggestions and tips to develop this health pillar for you

Intellectual Pillar

Intellectual wellness is strengthened by continually engaging the mind similar to building a muscle. This pillar is critical for longevity and the basic will to live. Without intellectual stimulus, our overall health and wellness will suffer. Our objective is to share methods and ideas to keep your mind alert for life.

Financial Pillar

To be financially well is to live within your means and plan for the future appropriately. It can be tough to accomplish, but small steps can pay off big-time in the long-run. Pursuing fiscal responsibility can strengthen the other pillars of holistic health and wellness. We will not dispense specific financial counseling but cover time tested methods for achieving your goals.

Environmental Pillar

Environmental wellness targets your immediate surroundings and where you live and work. Clean air, water and avoiding toxins are part of this pillar. We list and discuss several strategies to attain your best protection for this important pillar of holistic health.

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