Most people know about the dangers of smoking, drinking alcohol, and eating unhealthy food. But did you know that there are many other things in our daily lives that can adversely affect our health? In this article, we’ll explore the connection between wellness and how it relates to your environmental health.
Environmental health targets your immediate surroundings and where you live and work. Clean air, water and avoiding toxins are part of this pillar. Avoiding hundreds of chemicals, pesticides, drugs and gmo is crucial in order to maintain wellness.
We will cover some of the major hot button environmental pollutant issues below:

According to a study by the Word Health Organization, Glyphosate can be found in our water supply. It is proven to have detrimental effects on the environment and human health. Ingestion of Glyphosate herbicides has been linked to issues such as infertility, cancer, and kidney disease. These chemicals are most commonly found in areas with agricultural crops due to the large amounts of use.
Glyphosate is sprayed on fields and agricultural areas to kill unwanted plants. The EPA has monitored the use of glyphosate since 1974, and it has found that levels of glyphosate in our environment are increasing significantly. According to a report from Earth Open Source, “the use of industrial-scale Glyphosate spraying for Monsanto’s genetically modified (GM) crops” has increased the amount of glyphosate in our environment significantly.
Glyphosate is sprayed liberally on corn and soy crops, some of which are used for animal feed. Glyphosate is also sprayed on cotton to kill weeds before harvesting. It can be found in streams, rivers, and groundwater. The World Health Organization has declared glyphosate a probable carcinogen based on “limited evidence” of cancer in humans and “sufficient evidence” in animals.
Glyphosate is known to seep into our water table polluting our drinking water. Learn about 33 states with toxic tap water!
Radon Gas is a Dangerous Environmental Health Hazard

The radioactive gas, radon, is responsible for 22% of all lung cancer deaths in the United States. Radon is an odorless, colorless gas that is the second-leading cause of lung cancer after smoking. It is estimated that nearly 21,000 people died from lung cancer due to breathing in high levels of radon in 2012.
A study done by the World Health Organization (WHO) found that radon gas is the leading cause of lung cancer among non-smokers. The EPA reports that there are about 20 million homes in America where the potential for elevated radon levels exists. Radon gas can’t be detected without a test and some level of training. Radon gas emissions come from natural earth processes such as uranium-238 decay.
Mercury poisoning
is a medical condition caused by mercury contamination in the human body. Mercury is often found in dental fillings, is not released when ingested, and can be very toxic to humans if it enters the bloodstream.
Symptoms include impaired coordination, muscle weakness, vision problems, hearing loss, mental retardation, numbness of fingertips, difficulty speaking or swallowing, slurred speech, difficulty walking or even standing up due to leg weakness.
Chemtrails Pollute Environmental Health with Aluminum

Large numbers of individuals are convinced that chemtrails exist and, what’s more, they contain harmful elements that are poisoning us. Chemicals like barium, chromium, aluminum oxide, and strontium-90 are just some of the compounds that have been found in these trails. And while many dismiss as a conspiracy theory, there is growing evidence to support it.
Vaccine shedding is a known environmental health phenomenon
Vaccine shedding variants is a phenomenon in which active immunization against a disease results in the release of antigenic molecules from vaccinated people to infect other individuals in close proximity. The uncontrolled spread of vaccine shed virus variants could lead to the development of drug resistant strains of bacteria potentially causing catastrophic epidemics in a relatively short period of time.
BPA is a chemical compound used to make products such as plastic and food and beverage packaging, and it often leaches into the food or drink that we consume. This is harmful because BPA mimics estrogen in our bodies and can cause many bad health effects.
BPA is a chemical compound that we use to make plastics and food and beverage containers as well as other products.
Bisphenol A, or BPA, is a common chemical in plastic products. If you eat or drink from containers that are made with bisphenol A, these chemicals will be transferred to your food and drink.
Aside from potential effects on the brain and reproductive system, bisphenol A may also affect the body’s ability to produce protein.
Heavy Metal Poisoning
Heavy metal poisons are harmful substances that can be found in the environment, food, and water. According to the National Institute of Health’s Industrial Bioengineering Center, “human beings are exposed to heavy metals every day through the air they breathe, the food they eat, and the water they drink. The NIEHS (National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences) estimates that more than 200 million people in America alone are exposed to arsenic.
The genetically modified organisms (GMOs) are the subjects of significant debate because they hold both benefits and threats. The GMOs can provide greater crop yields than before, but there are dangers that it would result in the antibiotic resistance. These GMOs also hold economic benefits for farmers because it reduces pesticide use. The biotechnology is now capable of producing super crops like corn.
These are just a few areas of environmental concern to us as a society and individually. We cover these subjects and more within the Environmental Pillar of Holistic Health in this blog.
The environmental health category blog posts
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