The brain is the most complex organ in our bodies, so it makes logical sense that this organ would also be the most difficult to maintain. Among other things, we must maintain balance in our diet, social relationships, and work life. These three factors are crucial for intellectual health function. Studies show that you are more likely to experience sustainable happiness when your brain is healthy through all forms of work.
Intellectual health is strengthened by continually engaging the mind similar to building a muscle. This pillar is critical for longevity and the basic will to live. Without intellectual stimulus, our overall health and wellness will suffer. Our objective is to share methods and ideas to keep your mind alert for life. This pillar has a trove of articles to help promote intellectual health.
Many people have the misconception that intellectual health is only about mental wellness, but this is not true. As a person’s intellect deteriorates, so does their physical health and an inability to live independently. It is important to keep your brain as strong as possible by challenging it with new information, continuing education, and socializing with those who challenge you with new ideas. This discussion touches on the ways in which intellectual health relates to overall health and wellness.

Mental illness directly affects intellectual health
There are two classifications when it comes to mental health disorders, mental illness and mental wellness. Mental illness includes symptoms such as anxiety disorder, depression, schizophrenia, and more. Mental wellness includes symptoms such as improved mood and decreased anxiety; however, not a cure for mental illness. Mental illnesses and disorders can negatively affect people by having an impact on their life both physically and emotionally. The main goal of treatment is to improve the person’s quality of life.
A new study published in the Journal of Clinical Psychiatry found that a lack of exercise not only affects physical health but mental health as well. Lack of exercise is associated with decreased levels of serotonin and dopamine, which are linked to depression. A physical activity program has been shown to be very effective in alleviating depressive symptoms. Exercise can also help manage cognitive decline, stress, anxiety, and insomnia. Incorporating adequate amounts of exercise is very important for maintaining good mental health.

Immunity is affected by physical fitness
Scientists have found that the brain is closely linked to our immune system The neurological response to an infection can be measured by changes in the number of T-cells (immune cells) in the brain. When people are infected with bacteria, there is an increase in T-cells in. Some researchers believe that these cells directly affect neuronal function and may also produce molecules that regulate inflammation and cell death.
The relationship between the brain and the immune system has been described as “a two-way street”. It has long been recognized that mental stress can suppress the immune system. Likewise, chronic inflammation in the body can affect brain function. Scientists have begun to study how these systems intertwine with one another only recently. Researchers at Yale University found that mice who were stressed, experienced a spike in inflammatory compounds released by their cells.
Intellectual Fitness Can Help You Avoid Pitfalls
Intellectual people usually have discernment and critical thinking. Developing these attributes can get you far, not to mention out of a jam. Besides being able to navigate rough waters, these skills can assist in making the best decisions. Those decisions may range from personal, business to health and more. Intellectuals often do their own research to come to decisions and this will often put them ahead of the pack. Blindly taking other people’s advice on health issues, for instance, without research may result in disastrous results. Be the captain of your own ship and hone these skills and reap the health benefits.
The bottom line is the same as with the other pillars in that all are intertwined and equally important to holistic health. Join us in our journey through this pillar to learn more!
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