Anxiety is a common condition that affects the general population at least once in their lifetime. Healing anxiety may be accomplished naturally through diet and supplements!
One of the main causes of anxiety is stress. Stress can also cause gut issues like leaky gut syndrome. Leaky gut can result in nutritional deficiency.
Leaky gut syndrome happens when the lining of your guts are damaged, leading to poor absorption of food. This can lead to inflammation and skin problems, as well as anxiety disorders or depression.
The good news is that there are many treatments available for anxiety disorders, leaky gut syndrome and other related conditions.

Is Anxiety in the Head or the Gut?
Everyone has their own way to deal with anxiousness. Whether it’s medication, talking to a therapist, or just reading a book. For some of us, food is the answer. Foods such as ginger, turmeric and blueberries can help reduce inflammation and stabilize moods.
The human brain is one of the most complex creations in nature, but what are we doing to take care of it? These days, many people are so busy that they forget to eat a healthy diet.
Anxiety and gut issues are two of the most common health conditions, affecting millions of people in America. However, nutritional deficiency can be avoided with the help of supplements.
If you’re feeling anxious, you probably experience an unpleasant feeling in your stomach. What’s more, the act of feeling anxious can actually make your gut more sensitive.
It turns out that there is a link between your digestive system and your brain. When your gut is upset, it may cause feelings of anxiousness in the brain.

Here are a few supplements that can help ease gut related issues, improve nutritional deficiency and ease anxiety symptoms in the process:
1. Vitamin D: Vitamin D – D3, specifically – has been a must for many of my patients during the pandemic, says Dr. Madrak. While lack of sunlight isn’t a sole contributor, reports have shown that vitamin D deficiency can have a significant hindrance on mental well-being. A minimum of 2,000 IU (international units) is often recommended for adults.
2. Magnesium: Magnesium deficiency is another culprit. Studies have shown that a proper amount of the mineral helps regulate serotonin and improve brain function, explains Dr. Madrak; plus, it can improve other areas of our health, including digestion, cardiac function, and sleep patterns.
More than a Sleep Aid
3. Melatonin: Melatonin is the most common sleep aid. Melatonin is a hormone that tells us when it’s time to sleep and wake up, but some people may not produce enough of it, says Dr. Madrak. It’s often used for insomnia but can also help reduce negative feelings that are associated with panic disorder (that keep us awake at night). It’s relatively tolerable in doses of 1 to 20 milligrams.
4. Omega-3 fatty acids: Found in fish oil, these compounds are best known for their benefits on cardiovascular health, but studies have shown they can also improve brain function and mood, adds Dr. Madrak. Some theories suggest poor cardiovascular health and inflammation contribute to anxiety – thus improving one could improve the other.
Maybe it’s About Using What Nature Gave Us for Overcoming Anxiety
5. Chamomile: Often consumed in tea, chamomile aids in relaxation due to an antioxidant known as apigenin, which binds with specific receptors in the brain to decrease anxiety. However, it can have a significant blood-thinning effect when consumed excessively, explains Dr. Madrak. Those on blood thinners should consult with their provider before having any.
6. Valerian root: Research suggests that valerian root works well with the GABA receptor and subtly increases its levels, says Dr. Madrak. GABA is an amino acid that acts as a neurotransmitter to decrease anxiety and depression symptoms. GABA can also help manage premenstrual syndrome (PMS) and attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).
Natural Herbs and Roots Have Been Used for Centuries
7. Ashwagandha: Considered an adaptogen, Ashwagandha is a natural substance that helps the body adapt to stress and accommodate needs, explains Dr. Madrak, primarily by decreasing cortisol (the stress hormone) levels. It’s one of the more highly recommended natural products, typically dosed at around 500-1,000 milligrams a day.
8. Kava: This supplement causes dopamine levels to rise and works with other receptors to reduce panic symptoms. Many have described Kava’s effects as “euphoric,” which has led to harmful, recreational use of it. Research into medicinal advantages is still controversial.
9. Lithium Orotate: A semi essential trace element that is difficult to get solely through diet. With orotate used as a delivery system, lithium can now be used in low dose and available over the counter. It has been used for decades to help in mental issues and known to calm anxiety.
Consider These Additional Treatments:
NAC – N Acetyl Cysteine – Precursor to glutathione, known as the master antioxidant, is known to counteract glutamate, an excitatory amino found in MSG.
Probiotics – repair and replace good gut flora
B Vitamin Complex with high quality methylated B6 & B12. Prolonged stress can decrease the levels of B vitamins you have in your body, which can lead to increased anxiety.
Protein Powder – Whey protein has all the major amino acids such as glutamine that rebuild the gut lining and reverse nutritional deficiency
What about gluten’s effect on anxious symptoms?
Some people with gluten sensitivity may also have a type of anxiety called non-celiac gluten sensitivity. Non-celiac gluten sensitivity is a condition where someone reacts to gluten but doesn’t have celiac disease. There is no test for this type of allergy, so it can only be diagnosed based on a person’s symptoms.
Can a mono diet like carnivore help anxiety and nutritional deficiencies?
A diet consisting of only meat has been gaining popularity with people who suffer from chronic inflammation and anxiety. Many people report that they feel healthier, less stressed, more focused, and even lose weight when they follow a strict carnivore diet.
Plant lectins can irritate the gut and exacerbate anxiety while diets with a lot of grains can also trigger gut issues. A mono diet can give the digestive system a break and heal many issues from the gut to the brain.
Consider trying some of the supplements along with a mono diet to reset yourself and gain control over stress and anxiety without all the meds.
Over the counter Lithium Orotate for anxiety