Caring for an Elderly Narcissistic Mother with Dementia

Caring for an Elderly Narcissistic Mother with Dementia

Understanding The Complexities Of Dementia and Narcissism in Mothers

I want to send my condolences to anyone facing the challenge. Accepting the responsibility of handling care for an elderly narcissistic mother with dementia is tough. For me, it was the biggest challenge of my life and nearly killed me.

IRS Attacks Small Business – Middle America in 2022!

IRS Attacks Small Business – Middle America in 2022!

$80 Billion for IRS Attacks on Low and Middle-Income Citizens

87,000 IRS armed agents hired to go after the tax cheats? This isn’t going to affect the small guy right? Think again! Let me show you a history of my experience and what you can expect when the tyranny is taken to the next level!

This article falls under our Financial Health pillar and a critical subject for all of you small business owners and low to middle income citizens!

Many of you probably believe that this IRS expansion will target the rich and big business and the small guy has nothing to be concerned about. This is incorrect in my opinion and experience!

Here is a link to an article from the New York Post estimating that 80 percent of the 80 billion funding to the IRS will target small businesses and lower-income earners! Why IRS’ $80B expansion is a ‘nightmare’ for small businesses (

IRS Weaponized With 87,000 New Agent Hires

IRS Weaponized With 87,000 New Agent Hires

Before you blow this announcement off thinking that this is meant for the rich folks, it’s not! Insiders and even the bureau allude to IRS weaponized efforts against the low to middle income and seniors! You see, the loopholes are designed for the rich, and auditing them is too costly and time intensive. Low-income earners do not have the means to fight audits with a team of tax specialists. Read more on the mind-blowing facts directly from the IRS.

Supply Chain Collapse and Food Scarcity Coming to US in 2025?

Supply Chain Collapse and Food Scarcity Coming to US in 2025?


This is a neighborly prepper message in the event we experience a total supply chain collapse in the coming months. In case you have not been following all the nightmarish and confusing news, there is a good possibility that our supply chain may breakdown in the latter half of 2022 in the US.

There is already a ten to fifteen percent loss of delivery with predictions of it going past twenty five percent any week with containers of goods stuck out in the Pacific and worker firings for not taking the shot. It is a controlled and planned collapse of our society by the globalists looking to implement their great reset plan.

Whether they get away with it fully or not, it is wise to plan now for you and your family to have food, shelter, clean water and local contact with a neighbor or two. The supply chain collapse is real!

There was literally no meat products at all, zero. I went back yesterday and they did get some supplies in and I scooped up quite a bit of extra items plus additional canned goods. I have been stock piling canned goods, rice and jugs of water I make from my distilling machine.

Nearly 50 food packing facilities have been destroyed mostly by fire! No arson reported in any of these losses! We see very little to no reporting on this over main stream media! The coincidence of this many food supply plants is about zero percent! We are at war with the globalists great recent and they’re using the Biden puppet administration to run cover for it!

Is a Tyrannical Social Credit Score About to Crush US?

Is a Tyrannical Social Credit Score About to Crush US?

Introduction/Definition of Social Credit Score

A social credit score is a type of credit score that is based on a person’s social interactions. It was first introduced in China in 2014 and has been used to rank citizens on their behavior. The social credit system is designed to reward those who behave well and punish those who do not.

The social credit scoring system assigns points for good behavior, such as buying Chinese-made products, volunteering, or donating blood. Points are deducted for bad behavior, such as breaking the law, buying too many video games, posting politically incorrect remarks on social media or smoking in public places.

The social credit system has been criticized for its lack of transparency and potential to be abused by the government. It’s not just a number but literally punishes millions by banning them from goods and services to travel, even worse, Chinese citizens can lose access to public transportation and even food! Jay walking will get you docked a bunch of points keeping you on ice! Talk about needing to bump up your score! What’s in your wallet?
