DIY Liver Capsules – DIY Supplements Save 70%

DIY Liver Capsules – DIY Supplements Save 70%

Organ Meat (Offal) is a True Superfood Highest in Many Nutrients

Overview –Offal: Types and Composition

Offal accounts for ~ 20% of the live weight of each animal and constitutes a diversity of product types: liver, heart, kidney, brain, pancreas, and tongue. While not achieving a strong acceptance by consumers, offal represents an excellent source of proteins, vitamins, and minerals.

Liver is the single most nutritious food available. Some people like the taste while others are repulsed. This article is for those of you in the majority that don’t like the taste of organ meats but want to enjoy the benefits. Consuming organ supplements is the answer and we will show you how to make your own!

Bill Gates Says Eat Synthetic Beef in 2025 to Save the Planet!

Bill Gates Says Eat Synthetic Beef in 2025 to Save the Planet!

Synthetic beef company or Another Bill Gates Eugenics Project?

The idea of a synthetic beef company is not new. In fact, it was first introduced in the 1930s by Winston Churchill. The idea was to create a meat substitute that would be cheaper and more sustainable than traditional meat. In 2022, Bill Gates says eat synthetic beef while elites like me deserve to eat steak!

Kill Hunger with 2 Secret Hormones You Can Control!

Kill Hunger with 2 Secret Hormones You Can Control!

Manipulate Them to Work Better & Kill Hunger for Free!

I have a confession to make. After writing and creating a video on this subject, I had a revelation. Yes, the pinpointing of these hunger regulating hormones makes sense but I missed the bigger picture. The video is Youtube friendly and won’t get banned like others I have produced but the real story and my hypothesis will only be found in this writing. I am convinced that my theory that follows could possibly be the holy grail for weight loss and health! Read on only if you have an open mind and like alternative solutions…..

Nutritional Deficiency – the Number 1 Cause of Anxiety

Nutritional Deficiency – the Number 1 Cause of Anxiety

Anxiety is a common condition that affects the general population at least once in their lifetime. Healing anxiety may be accomplished naturally through diet and supplements!

One of the main causes of anxiety is stress. Stress can also cause gut issues like leaky gut syndrome. Leaky gut can result in nutritional deficiency.

Leaky gut syndrome happens when the lining of your guts are damaged, leading to poor absorption of food. This can lead to inflammation and skin problems, as well as anxiety disorders or depression.

The good news is that there are many treatments available for anxiety disorders, leaky gut syndrome and other related conditions.

Diet Flexibility from Metabolic Flexibility Diet Research

Diet Flexibility from Metabolic Flexibility Diet Research

Is there one holy grail diet that works for everyone without exogenous drugs and or supplements? Probably not but I ask that you hear me out and think about what I have concluded for myself after decades of diet research and diet flexibility.

First of all, I have never been morbidly obese but have gotten upwards of 25 percent body fat at times. One of my hobbies has been as a body building enthusiast in my adult years. I have bulked and cut at times but mostly like to stay at a relatively constant weight range in the 15 percent body fat zone and sometimes less.

In the 80’s, I went on low carb Atkins and found that I could maintain very low body fat while working long hours in my business. I lasted for around five or so years on 50 carbs or less per day until I decided that carbs needed to be re-introduced into my diet for energy and strength.

Hepcidin – the Master Iron Regulator

Hepcidin – the Master Iron Regulator

Hepcidin Overview

What is hepcidin and why should we care? If you suffer from iron deficiency, toxicity, iron poor blood anemia and other peripherally related issues, stay tuned and learn about this little-known peptide.

Hepcidin is now acknowledged to be the main iron regulatory hormone produced in our bodies. It is a 25-amino acid peptide exclusively synthesized by the liver initially identified in a search for novel antimicrobial peptides.1 There was no indication that it had an additional role in iron metabolism until 2001 when mouse studies discovered that hepatic hepcidin mRNA synthesis was induced by iron loading.2

Iron overload can lead to severe health problems such as heart failure, liver cancer and diabetes while deficiency can lead to anemia issues and more!
