Medical Secrets Expose Medical Tyranny!

Medical Secrets Expose Medical Tyranny!


I would venture to say that the majority of you will be blown away with what you are about to read and hear about medical secrets. I knew bits and pieces of this story over the years but did not know the entire story that I will spell out for you right now. The message I wish to convey is how psychopaths like Rockefeller created a system that that is shameful and against nature and purely money driven. We learn how he did this with other eugenicists, played God and bullied, intimidated and literally ruined those who did not embrace their plans. The chilling part is that his systems are alive and more medically tyrannical than ever!

The Swiss Cheese Model Approach for Better Health

The Swiss Cheese Model Approach for Better Health

Introduction: Definition & Application of the Swiss Cheese Model

The Swiss cheese model of accident causation is a model used in risk analysis and risk management. It also includes aviation safety, engineering, healthcare, emergency service organizations. This approach is also used as the principle behind layered security used in computer security and defense in depth. It likens human systems to multiple slices of Swiss cheese, stacked side by side.

The risk of a threat becoming a reality is mitigated by the differing layers and types of defenses which are “layered” behind each other. Therefore, in theory, lapses and weaknesses in one defense do not allow a risk to materialize preventing a single point of failure. The model was originally introduced by James T. Reason of the University of Manchester,[1] and has since gained widespread acceptance. It is sometimes called the “cumulative act effect”.

Myo Reps Equals More Muscle – Research Proven!

Myo Reps Equals More Muscle – Research Proven!

Overview on MYO Reps

I wrote about high reps, high volume earlier and found it to be quite beneficial for my purpose which is to maintain muscle with less stress to my central nervous system. As a senior, I was finding that going heavy multiple times a week as in the past was wiping me out like never before. Not the typical soreness and lethargy on off days but bone crushing fatigue that could last for days. I knew that it was over training but was not about to be a once or twice a week visitor to the gym just yet. Myo reps appears to be a great alternative to traditional heavy lifting for muscle hypertrophy.

Hepcidin – the Master Iron Regulator

Hepcidin – the Master Iron Regulator

Hepcidin Overview

What is hepcidin and why should we care? If you suffer from iron deficiency, toxicity, iron poor blood anemia and other peripherally related issues, stay tuned and learn about this little-known peptide.

Hepcidin is now acknowledged to be the main iron regulatory hormone produced in our bodies. It is a 25-amino acid peptide exclusively synthesized by the liver initially identified in a search for novel antimicrobial peptides.1 There was no indication that it had an additional role in iron metabolism until 2001 when mouse studies discovered that hepatic hepcidin mRNA synthesis was induced by iron loading.2

Iron overload can lead to severe health problems such as heart failure, liver cancer and diabetes while deficiency can lead to anemia issues and more!

Intermittent Fasting – Supercharge Cell Health!

Intermittent Fasting – Supercharge Cell Health!

Introduction to Intermittent Fasting

Recent research has found that intermittent fasting or limiting food consumption to 12 hours per day or less, has positive effects on the body. Intermittent fasting benefits autophagy, which is the process of breaking down old cells, and upregulating senescent cells. This means there are more cells available for cellular metabolism. Additionally, IF has been found to lower levels of cholesterol in the blood because levels of LDL-cholesterol decrease.

In part, this article discusses the benefits of upregulating senescent cells in order to ensure there are adequate cells for cellular metabolism. As we age, senescent cells build up and inhibit our natural anti-aging mechanisms. These senescent cells can be upregulated (increased) or even eliminated altogether to increase cellular metabolism and longevity. Many scientists are starting to believe that these processes may be the key to reversing aging altogether.

#1 Arthritis Cure that May Surprise You!

#1 Arthritis Cure that May Surprise You!

Introduction to the Arthritis Cure

The arthritis cure comes from Borax, a natural mineral that has been used for centuries as a household cleaner and laundry booster. It is also used in the production of glass, ceramics, enamel, and insulation.

Borax is not only an effective remedy for arthritis but it can also be used to treat other health conditions such as eczema, psoriasis, and acne.

Boron, is in Borax, and a trace mineral that helps the body absorb calcium and magnesium. Boron deficiency can lead to arthritis symptoms such as joint pain and inflammation.

It is an essential mineral that has been shown to have many health benefits. Boron can be found in many foods and drinks, but it can also be taken as a supplement. This element has been shown to help with bone strength, joint pain, and muscle soreness. It now has come to be known as “the arthritis cure” in some circles.
