Dehydrating food is a great way to preserve it for long periods of time. It is also a great way to make healthy snacks that are easy to carry around. The benefits of dehydrating food include: -Reasonably long storage -Preservation of nutrients- -Less storage space
Some foods are better than others when it comes to dehydrating food. Join us in a quick tutorial on how to dehydrate foods!
Here is a list of some of the best foods that can be dehydrated:

-Fruits: apples, pears, peaches, apricots, plums, and berries
-Vegetables: carrots, broccoli, cauliflower, green beans
-Meats: beef jerky, chicken jerky, pork jerky
-Dairy: milk ( whole, low fat, nonfat dry milk), cream cheese
-Grains: wheat breads, rice cakes , crackers
-Bread: rolls, bagels, croissants
-Flours: wheat flour, rye flour
Dehydrating food is often seen as a healthier alternative to their fresh counterparts. They are also marketed as being able to keep their nutritional value.
My purpose in creating this post is to offer a potential option in prepping for any food shortage. I have never been a prepper and do not claim to be an expert on the subject. There has been reports of a food scarcity on the horizon, For advanced information on prepping, there are a number of websites devoted to it online.
You may be like me and used to modern conveniences, supermarkets, online shopping, etc. Anytime we need food, we have been able to get it. We generally don’t even consider not having enough! That may be about to change with fertilizer coming from Russia. Farmers are unable to pass on the astronomical price increases with some shutting down. Nearly forty food storage facilities have been burned down! Do I have your attention? We are under a globalist attack and most of the population is unaware!
When the First World Has Food Scarcity, the Third World Starves
It is projected that nearly 300 million people in third world countries will die from starvation in the coming years! When first world countries have food shortages, third world countries starve! By many expert accounts, we are about to experience something most of us have never had to deal with.
Stocking up on food is the basis of this discussion and dehydration is one of the best methods. We must consider utility outages so freezers may not be functional unless you have a solar powered generator or access to a store of gasoline for a gas powered version. Freeze drying is another option but again, requires power and the expense of a freeze dryer. A good option if prepping early however.
Methods for Building a Reserve and Storage for Dehydrating Food
Canned goods are another excellent option I am using to build up reserves but not everything is canned and that’s where dehydrating food can be a good option. Fruits, vegetables and meats can be dehydrated along with eggs and they need not be refrigerated if packaged properly and dehydrated correctly.
You can use a stove on the lowest heat for dehydrating food or purchase a dehydrator for under $100. It still requires electricity or gas so it’s not foolproof but if you are doing early prep, you can reach your goals. The idea is to get the heat to 160 degrees F for meats and a little less for other foods. In most cases dehydrating food sometimes over 12 hours. The process is based on removing the liquid from the food so it can store and not spoil and be rehydrated later if desired. Many fruits and jerky are not rehydrated and eaten in the dehydrated state.
It is possible to flash heat foods like meat that can easily spoil and then air dehydrate if you have no dehydrator. Not recommended but how they did it in the old days.
Once you have successfully dehydrated food, proper packaging is essential for preservation. I have purchased a vacuum sealing machine for about $40. In addition, I got extra sealing bags, oxygen absorbers and storage cans for storage. The objective is to seal the dehydrated food. remove the oxygen and store it in containers to last for years. It’s not difficult and can be a fun new hobby if you treat it as such.
This has been a very basic alert to prep with dehydrated food, it is impossible to know how long to prepare for. It might be a few weeks or years! If it becomes years, many of us will not make it but if we begin to stock up on food, we may see it through. There is so much more to prepping from converting cash into a certain amount of precious metals, thinking about items that you can barter with, weapons, water storage and so much more.
My purpose was to introduce those who are unprepared to consider dehydrating food. Consider investigating books and websites devoted to serious prepping while we can. If we luck out and bypass a storage, the food you have stored can simply be eaten. Call it edible insurance!

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