Financial Survival Introduction
Part of my job is to report on the eight holistic health pillars with the financial pillar being one of them. I would prefer to ignore this column these days and many of you may also feel the same. The fake stock market and Federal Reserve are running out of magic tricks and why the Fed is going along in lock-step with the globalist one world order great reset plan. The oil-based fiat dollar, is about to finally run its course in my opinion. Now is the time to prepare for financial survival.
Everyone can see the trillions being brazenly pumped out of our economy disguised as relief bills. This is by design to be sure and the greedy bastards in power are siphoning this money out with virtually nothing going to their proposed destinations. Infrastructure to testing how drunk rats urinate and this last one is not a joke or misprint. Look it up if you have days to go through the spending budget docs.
Congress makes it unreadable for a reason and literally ran out of pork policy ideas to come up with by earmarking millions on the study of drunk rats urinating amongst other insane projects. It would be hilarious if these monsters weren’t using taxpayer dollars and beyond to line their pockets! Debt that your great-great grandchildren will still be on the hook for if we make it that far.
We are Seeing the End of this Iteration of the Fed’s Fiat Currency
In the past, investing for the long haul proved to be the safest and best method. Putting your money in the stock market would assure that you averaged around seven percent annual return over the history of the market. Great if you are in a steady rate market and fairly young. You could ride out the recessions and depressions in most times. I do not think this will happen this time around!
More recently, we have been experiencing the hyperbolic stock market that I assure you is not based in reality. I began investing in stocks, bonds and options in the eighties and have seen how the Wall St. thieves operate. They have pumped it up over the past few years to fleece it themselves so don’t kid yourself. They also have needed to keep this fake market looking healthy to perpetrate their other evils and world takeover great reset plans.
Financial Survival with Runaway Inflation
Sorry to be Debbie Downer but this time around, the SHTF without doubt so traditional investing probably gets thrown out the window. The informed financial survival advice being offered sounds more like Armageddon or Mad Max! Of course, if you tune into the usual suspects like Cramer and the other market pundits required to report on the market, it won’t sound so dire. These guys and Wall St. never warn the private investors in time to do anything nor should you expect them to. All we need to do is use our own eyes and ears to see what is happening!

- Inflation is back and rising.
- Supply chain breakdowns.
- Employees fired for not taking vaccines,
- Free money and incentives to not work,
- Pipelines shut down so gas prices skyrocket.
- Cost of food up over 20 percent since last year.
It is already here and then factor in the trillions of debt added in the past several months putting the dollar in jeopardy as the default currency of the world. Even with Trump, the unemployment numbers were a lie and now with the Biden admin, they must be completely in the tank. The reports will sugar coat and claim all is well when you can see and hear of all the layoffs, the airline cancellations, the food packing businesses interrupted from covid, hospitals with no labor force, employees making more on unemployment, etc. etc.
DC Just Enacted the War Powers Act Using the DOD to Replenish Baby Formula!
The present administration is beyond a joke! It’s a globalist takeover using the puppet Biden to stage starvation in America! Once they slip these war powers in under the guise of baby formula, they will escalate this when the food scarcity hits to who can get food and who cannot. Take the jab, get some food. Lock yourself indoors, get some food. Social credit score is almost here.
If everything went to hell in addition to all that is happening, there would certainly be blood in the streets and attacks on DC. As long as pensions and 401k funds remain in place and real estate appears to be booming, people believe that everything is basically ok. That’s changing as of this writing.
These days are about to end and they are no longer trying to disguise it much other than to announce everything is great and nothing to see here. No explanation any longer, just shut up and take your shots! The Fed just announced that October had a 1 percent increase in inflation. This sounds like a blip and nothing to worry about except that the real figures coming out from the Fed have not been true since, well, forever and secondly, one percent per month is twelve percent per year! That adds up and could greatly accelerate as it did in the late 70s. Prices could double on common items very quickly.
Checkout our social credit score coming to America article
Financial Survival Takes Realization that We are No Longer in Kansas
I am of the opinion that the bubble is about to burst and why the demons in congress and their bureaucrat buddies pilfered from trillions of dollars earmarked for bogus bailout issues. There are several reports of the elites already fleeing to their private islands and bunkers. The elite devils in the new world order are scrambling to perpetrate their treachery on us and crash the markets after they have looted it. I do not think that any traditional investment vehicle through the banks and Wall St. will be viable if the new world order players succeed with their great reset plans.
I am not a financial advisor so please do not take my opinions for financial advice. My take is that owning your home, trailer or whatever will top priorities along with a several month supply of food, fresh water, guns and ammo. Yes, it is that basic for starters. Using present assets to buy gold, silver and possibly a small amount of crypto currency is another thought. Keep or obtain usable assets and collectables that could be used to trade or hold their value throughout time like art.
Food, bullets, lighters, fuel, seeds and the list goes on as far as you can game plan. Remember, with runaway inflation like Venezuela, buying a loaf of bread for a couple hundred dollars or more may become a reality! Barter will be the future if this happens.

Invest in You and Your Family’s Health
Get your health together to better assist with financial survival and fend off intruders and stay out of failed hospitals remaining. Stock up on your meds, and get on board with vitamins and minerals and other nutraceuticals that will bolster your immune system naturally.
Please do your own research and talk with your family about plans. Moving to a rural area and out of the big cities is another plan for many. Take steps now so when this hits, you can be prepared as much as possible. There will not be an announcement or grace period to get your plan together and it will be more like a stampede to the door when there’s a fire. Pray for God’s intervention so the righteous people and innocent children may have a safe journey in the midst of the coming chaos.