I would venture to say that the majority of you will be blown away with what you are about to read and hear about medical secrets. I knew bits and pieces of this story over the years but did not know the entire story that I will spell out for you right now. The message I wish to convey is how psychopaths like Rockefeller created a system that that is shameful and against nature and purely money driven. We learn how he did this with other eugenicists, played God and bullied, intimidated and literally ruined those who did not embrace their plans. The chilling part is that his systems are alive and more medically tyrannical than ever!
Warning to Those Proudly Uninformed Sheep!
Before I begin, I wish to convey this true story so the naïve and Pollyanaish people out there get an awakening. I am personally offended by the naysayers and sheep in this country that go along with the government narrative and propaganda without ever doing their own research. We understand that people are busy and can be mislead by our media but you have no right to disagree and argue with those that do their research and stand up for our constitution with facts and knowledge.
I have been around for a long time and also do my research and I am so disappointed in both young and old people turning a blind eye to the authoritarian takeover we are experiencing. If you still believe that Big Pharma and their medical secrets are looking out for your best interest after reading this account, you deserve what you get and may God help you.
The Origins of Medical Secrets Not in Your Best Interest
At the turn of the 19th century to the 20th, the world was becoming more enlightened with medicine and relied on many natural therapies in a holistic approach to health. Around this time, many of the vitamins were discovered and identified. This was in step with the natural and holistic practices of that time throughout the UK and North America. Naturopathic medicine was the norm with sub categories like chiropractic, psycho and physio therapies offering relief to patients. Many were conducted without surgery or invasive procedures.
Sounds like a mild beginning and you may be wondering, what’s the medical secrets scandal here? Enter John Rockefeller….
Maybe you have thought that John Rockefeller was just a rich oil guy around the beginning of the 20th century and you would only be telling a sliver of the story. Rockefeller by most accounts became the richest man on the planet back then and in adjusted dollars at any time in history.
He dominated the oil industry to the tune of somewhere around 90 plus percent market share! Imagine that type of wealth, control and power! You may also think that he was probably a smart and maybe lucky guy that became super rich and founded the original oil companies that benefitted mankind. John D Rockefeller was not a benevolent man and more like Ebenezer Scrooge but scarier! He wanted world domination and this is where the story gets crazy and the medical secrets begin in the western world.

Hippocratic Oath, More Medical Secrets?
Good ole John saw how well the health and wellness industry was doing and decided to swoop in and dominate it as well! What was his plan? Simple, discredit all practitioners and buy out all the colleges so that they would back his plan to a T! Johnny boy decided to design academics to his standards and criteria while defaming the natural practitioners as quacks.
Colleges got their funding from Rockefeller so followed his plan and also transformed the AMA to further his medical tyranny! Natural doctors would literally be banned and even jailed for practicing natural medicine so only AMA members could practice medicine. I was aware of this and how chiropractors were synonymous with the term quack, from the smear campaign by the AMA. To this day, the AMA says that people are taking a health risk going to anyone other than a full fledged doctor!
Rockefeller Medicine Men: Rockefeller Medicine Men – Medicine and Capitalism in America, by E.Richard Brown. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1980. This book details the entire Rockefeller takeover and the suppressed medical secrets.

Let’s Use Petroleum to Make Vitamins and Sell it to the Sheeple
That’s not all and where the truly amazing and unbelievable part of this story mutates. Having petroleum at his disposal and trying to figure out its uses other than fuel, Rockefeller began to explore the options beginning with plastic. Plastic bags and other items became a real option but that was simply not evil enough for ole John. How can we use this damn crude oil for making medicine and synthetic vitamins? So he got a few chemists to start synthesizing vitamins and then branching into patented synthetic medicines! Sounds natural?! What a ghoul! Read this article from Dr. Sinkala on the evil John Rockefeller
Good Thing There is Oversight – Not!
So you may be thinking that people came to their senses when it became known that he was making vitamins and medicines from petroleum and you would be totally wrong! Are you paying attention folks? Do you figure since he died sometime in the 30s that this was just another strange era in our history and we eventually came to our senses? That would be an emphatic NO! They make synthetic vitamins from altered petro molecules to this day!
As incredible as this story seems that as a so called advanced industrialized nation, a transition from mostly natural practices, we essentially digressed to medical voodoo. The original medical practitioners of that time established the Rockefeller medical beginnings and were butchers and blood letters with virtually no skills! Within a few years, all the colleges were pushing the new petro-chemically backed medical program and demolishing anyone in their way!
With these Medical Secrets Exposed, What Happened?
So what eventually happened you ask? Nothing except it has gotten worse with forced vaccinations today and full on medical tyranny running society! One hundred years of medical tyranny to what has turned into not only a broken system but a deadly system paid for by,….wait for it, …none other than the Rockefeller foundation, Bill Gates and other globalists that also head up the eugenics foundations and programs! Eugenics you ask, what is this? Your planned demise! How to lower the world population to 500 million people! Insane you say? Look it up, and view the Georgia Guide Stones near Atlanta clearly stating their goal to reduce the world population by over 90 percent!

The Evil Transcends Medical Secrets and is Openly Shoved in Our Faces!
Big Pharma is now getting rich with your money for mRNA shots that create spike protein and eliminate your immune system and eventually kill you! They get tax payer dollars to develop deadly shots and make billions of dollars to eliminate the world population, without liability, and it all began and continues to this day under the Rockefeller Foundation!
Many of you are unaware of the following medical secrets regarding compensation to hospitals when they classify a patient as having the Chinese virus. Just by classifying as the virus, the hospital receives 13,000 dollars. Got a broken arm, no, it’s the virus. Following the government backed criteria from beginning to end and I mean end, the hospital receives over 50 grand! The final step for something like 17k is to put the patient on a ventilator that is around 85 percent fatal! Rockefeller would be so proud! Read this article from HFMA on this 10 billion dollar gold mine incentive for hospitals to kill you for fun and profit!
If you did not know this stuff and are shocked and in a panic, congratulations, you are human! If what you just read does not bother you or you simply do not believe it and choose not to research this and continue taking mRna shots, nice knowin ya, you will not be around much longer.
What will it take for some of you to realize that government and Big Pharma are not your friends?
Take our Holistic Health & Immunity Assessment Quiz!
Another natural cure suppressed but still available in US