This is supposed to be a follow up on my article on using a high pressure steam cooker from a few weeks ago. I promised an update and presumed my new report would be about if I still was still pressure cooking vegetables and results.
I am definitely using it every day and it is not a chore or drudgery! The taste of steamed vegetables with pressure cooking is fabulous!
Keep in mind, as I said in my first report, I was barely eating vegetables and I did not enjoy the taste. Just like millions of others, I just don’t like eating vegetables, at least the quick micro waved style or raw. Terrible lack of flavor or not digestible in the case of raw so they were unsatisfying, Who needs that?
I am killing two birds with one stone on how the pressure cooker is working out for pressure cooking vegetables and the other, what appears to be the holy grail for getting fiber!

Pressure Cooking Steamed Vegetables Equals Flavor with Fiber!
So the flavor is incredible and the nutrients retained are even better than raw in most cases. The cell walls that protect the nutrients are gently broken down with just a few minutes of steaming producing tender, high nutrition veggies with all the fiber retained!
Ok, fiber, shmiber, big deal, we hear about fiber all the time and it’s boring. Hold on and listen. I am telling you that I have been remiss on fiber intake but probably no worse than most. I have taken Metamucil and other fiber supplements and they taste terrible and don’t seem to make a whole lot of difference. The fiber story changed with the discovery of high pressure steaming and it was frankly not even on my radar!

Pressure Cooking Steamed Vegetables Preparation is a Snap
Each day, I get up and have coffee while I chop up a bunch of veggies for the cooker. I prepare enough to fill the pot close to maximum so I can have enough for the entire day and evening. It takes about ten minutes to prepare. Cooking time is four minutes and I then put the machine on warm to keep veggies ready to eat for the rest of the day!
I could live on this diet exclusively as I put a variety of veggies in along with sometimes a potato or two or rice or even quinoa. Being an exerciser, I need more protein so I will also fix a couple eggs and a beef patty and or steak during the day. I will alternate beef with fish during the week and also take a dose of cod liver oil each morning.
Here’s the unexpected kicker. I have dropped about 5 lbs of stubborn gut fat since beginning the steamed veggie addition to diet! This may not seem like much but I am already 16 percent body fat and was not trying to diet! I have not been counting calories and eating a shitload of veggies all day and night in addition to my other food! My stubborn remaining belly fat just melted off in less than three weeks and I have been at this body fat level for many months! I believe it has to be the natural fiber at work from the veggies! I have daily bowel movements that are effortless.

Natural Soluble and Insoluble Fiber
The fiber is both the inulin, undigestible type, plus the digestible soluble type in root veggies like carrots. As I mentioned, I have tried supplementing these fibers in the past with virtually no results but either eating veggies daily or the natural steamed preparation has totally been a game changer! I think it may be a little of both in that I am consistently eating fibrous veggies and they are fresh and a bioavailable form.
If the flavor was not there, I would not be so excited and may have already bailed out on the steamed veggie project but the flavor is flat out incredible and I actually look forward to eating them! I figured or at least hoped that the nutritional value from steaming veggies would be a great improvement to introduce into my diet but had not even thought about the fiber factor.
Getting the Most Benefits by Pressure Cooking Vegetables
My theory at this time is that between the improved absorption of nutrients coupled with the natural fiber, the body becomes more efficient and drops the fat! I feel as strong or stronger than before while dropping some fat. It feels like an upgrade in health and why it is so exciting to discover something that is readily available and known to be an important part of the human diet by all measures! The issue has been that I believe our palates have shunned veggies and therefore damaged our health potential in so many cases. I feel like I discovered something magical and it’s absurd and hilarious because it’s simply vegetables!
Vegetables have become so bland with washed out nutrients today. I think this is a big factor in why people shun veggies. High pressure steaming veggies appears to bring out the most flavor I have experiences in years! This alone made eating vegetables attractive again,

Hamilton Beach Digital Programmable Rice and Slow Cooker & Food Steamer, 20 Cups Cooked (10 Cups Uncooked), 14 Pre-Programmed Settings for Sear Saute, Hot Cereal, Soup, Nonstick Pot, Stainless Steel
This is the model I use for pressure cooking vegetables
I strongly suggest purchasing a high-pressure cooker and stock up on a variety of veggies. Cleanup is a nonevent by simply filling the removable tank with water, draining and wiping clean. If you are like me, I don’t like spending a bunch of time preparing anything so a ten-minute time investment for food all day is perfect!
Get on board now pressure cooking vegetables if you haven’t already!
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Part 1 Pressure Cooking Vegetables