Biblical Overview
“Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of God.” The rich entering heaven is currently at 100 to 1 odds betting line

The passage of Matthew 19:24 is often used to depict the story of the rich entering heaven. Jesus is speaking to a wealthy man that has just asked what he needs to do in order to have eternal life.
This passage is arguably one of the best-known in the Bible and often used to illustrate how difficult it is for a rich person entering heaven. The message is that being rich makes it difficult to be humble and can lead one away from God. It may be more difficult for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of God than for others but does not mean it’s impossible.
The bible teaches, “If you want to be perfect, go, sell your possessions and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me.” (Matthew 19:21)
This verse is not only about money but also about humility. If we are proud, full of pride or arrogance, then we are not qualified for eternal blessing from God.
This verse is very appropriate for the Spiritual Pillar of Health and blog topic today. I can attest to this in my life story but cannot preach to others and only explain how this verse has worked in my life.
Why the Rich Entering Heaven is Difficult Means that Money is the God
I firmly believe this teaching from Jesus to be entirely true but one of those things that probably needs to be personally experienced to have meaning. It’s like a teenager being lectured by a parent or elder and not buying into the message because he somehow knows better. The message is lost until he experiences the message first hand.
In my experience, I had early success becoming a millionaire by the age of 30 almost forty years ago when a million dollars meant something. It was not that I worshipped money because I have always been generous in giving but more that I did not appreciate my means. I was success driven mostly and creating winning strategies and promotions was my driving force and not the money. The problem was that success was my God and what I lived and breathed on a daily basis working sixty plus hours for decades.
Catholicism was not the Way for me to Enter Heaven
Although I was raised in the Catholic faith, I was never really a full believer and when I was challenged, never turned to God for help. I thought as a man, you had to gut it out and figure it all out on your own. I often scoffed at athletes and others praising God for their victory or success and thought, God is not sitting up there rooting for you to knock out your opponent or win a game over someone else! It was all a scam or virtue signaling in my estimation.
The 80s brought a new wave of religious cons claiming to be born again Christians and this turned me even further away from faith. It got so bad with people introducing themselves with, hi, I’m a born again Christian so you can trust me, that Christianity suffered. I got burned by so many so called Christians back then that seeing a fish symbol or bumper sticker indicating being born again became a repellent!
The Rich Entering Heaven Requires Putting God First
This was unfortunate because Jesus warned not to put our faith in man since we are flawed sinners. I went along and actually got back into a non denominational church nearby and enjoyed the bible based sermons. It still did not change my heart from believing that I had to do it all myself without God and to make a long story short, I eventually lost nearly all my money and assets.

I had wealth for a substantial number of years, so it was not exactly easy downsizing life when it hit quickly but I did so as best as possible. It was actually liberating with little money and all the burdens that came with it. A lot of so-called friends were gone with the money and this turned out to be a blessing. Once I found my equilibrium , not without substantial pain and suffering, I really did not miss having pretty much unlimited funds and began to appreciate the simpler things in life!
That was my turning point and had God erased me, I would have certainly gone to a place in the afterlife never knowing or having a relationship with God. He spared me and I began to become more humble and much more aware and appreciative of my blessings. Today, I honestly feel so blessed and humbled by everything I have been given and experienced in my life that I would not want to go back to where I was with loads of money.

Put Your Faith Not in Man but in God
My message to readers is that if you are not experiencing a personal relationship with God, take a look at your life and priorities and blessings. Do not turn away from God because he may give you only so many opportunities to form a relationship with him and finally turn away. The bible says he will spit you out like luke warm water if he does not know who you are come judgment day. Don’t lose focus of God and pray for his intervention into your life so you needn’t hit rock bottom to realize God’s existence and opportunity to enter heaven.
My overall holistic health has never been better and since I have approached life through the 8 Pillars of Health principles, I have reached new heights. For years, it was mostly diet, nutrition, social and physical – resistance training that comprised my health regimen. Adding pillars that address mental and spiritual health have expanded my horizons not previously experienced.
I hope that this message has resonated with you and your life is blessed from this day forward!
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