Introduction/Definition of Social Credit Score
A social credit score is a type of credit score that is based on a person’s social interactions. It was first introduced in China in 2014 and has been used to rank citizens on their behavior. The social credit system is designed to reward those who behave well and punish those who do not.
The social credit scoring system assigns points for good behavior, such as buying Chinese-made products, volunteering, or donating blood. Points are deducted for bad behavior, such as breaking the law, buying too many video games, posting politically incorrect remarks on social media or smoking in public places.
The social credit system has been criticized for its lack of transparency and potential to be abused by the government. It’s not just a number but literally punishes millions by banning them from goods and services to travel, even worse, Chinese citizens can lose access to public transportation and even food! Jay walking will get you docked a bunch of points keeping you on ice! Talk about needing to bump up your score! What’s in your wallet?

Don’t think it can happen in America? Italy just announced that they are getting on board and not even hiding it with another name! It’s called a social credit score! I am not aware of all of the rules since it was just announced a couple of days ago. Maybe eating too much pizza gets you docked or singing off key while Italian results in a stay in the gulag. Australia and Canada are almost there with arrests from dissenters simply voicing their political views.
The point is that a score will assuredly be intrusive, punishing and a total government overreach!
Financial Credit Score vs Social Score
I have been around since before credit cards and was using them before the credit rating system we are subjected to today. Dunn and Bradstreet was the go to company for credit ratings on businesses with TRW looking after the public sector.. There was a behind the scenes method to determine credit worthiness but nothing so crass as today’s open and judgmental systems.
Credit reporting has become a ball and chain for many and there is no actual standardized method that is regulated by anyone. Anyone reporting to these agencies can put a black mark on your record without any evidence! It becomes incumbent upon you to try and expunge the claims or live with it!
Companies rarely sue a non-payer but simply report whatever amount to the credit bureaus. They wait for you to come crawling back to pay them and clear your record. It’s blackmail and coercion and not how the system is supposed to work.
I describe this to point out how something like credit ratings can be done discreetly instead of wielding a hammer. Think about how similar this is to the social credit score monstrosity! You may have trouble buying on credit with our current sham of a credit rating system. Think about how it will pale if your social credit score takes a hit and you can’t travel or eat and you cannot refute it!
In 2020, China established a nationwide social credit system that ranks all of its 1.4 billion citizens based on their financial status, criminal record, and online behavior.

The Six Levels of China’s Social Scoring System
- People who have done nothing wrong — Their lives go uninterrupted by the government’s new social credit system.
2. People with some transgressions might have user agreements broken or may not pay fines on time.
3. People who are given warnings might have their social media accounts supervised or be required to watch public service announcements. Jaywalking is an example of a 3rd level violation
4. People who cannot take specific jobs might be banned from government positions, like becoming a public servant or police officer or taking the China Railways exam.
5. People’s score can be publicly searched. They might have a low-quality debt history, even if they have been paying off their loans on time.
6. Banned from flying — They might have been caught smuggling items, cheating on an exam, or breaking the law while outside of China’s borders.

So is it Coming to America?
No, I’m not referencing the Eddie Murphy movies that depict him as royalty from an African country. It’s much more sinister and real! It’s common knowledge that China has been buying up real estate properties since the 80s at an alarming rate in the US. Since then, they turned their focus on industries such as Hollywood movie studios, television and the music and sports industries.
What better way to control the narrative with propaganda through actors and artists to control minds than with the entertainment industries? America got fat, lazy and greedy to allow a communist nation to buy up America!
Many of you have no idea of what the social credit score is and many do not care! I have been warning the youth and even seniors my age that they need to pay attention and do their research. This advice mostly falls on deaf ears and I get those looks of “he’s crazy” or at best, “that will never happen here”. Oh yeah, why not? We have an out of control congress with a puppet president and cabinet that is openly punishing dissenters. No matter what you think about January 6th and the so called insurrection, a couple hundred people are rotting in prison currently that did nothing! Compare this with Antifa and other leftists burning and looting cities and not even being charged! This is not about political orientation but civil liberties and the constitution being annihilated!
Plenty of Evidence
Global Central Bank Head Announces Social Credit Score System (
Global central bank head wants to implement a digital currency as part of the social credit score scheme!
We already got locked down, forced to take an experimental shot, fined and in some cases jailed if you tried to open your business during lockdowns. We have had drugs withheld that are FDA approved and forced to wear masks or refused service. Some have been banned for life from airlines! If you have a right or conservative leaning political view, you will get banned from social media platforms.
In the past year, conservatives bank accounts have had funds taken and closed and categorized as basically terrorists! No legal right and without due process! If you are not a leftist, democrat, you may be harassed and tormented and even jailed like those who were at the Capitol January 6th. On the other hand, radicals on the left like Antifa and BLM can burn down buildings with impunity!
Stay in line with the state narrative and stay in your lane and you might escape persecution, for a while. The Judas approach and a thousand deaths ultimately. The globalists, tyrannical dictators and demons never let anyone off the hook and only use their flying monkeys until no longer useful. Trust me on this. There is no appeasing these psychopaths!
Is the Social Credit Score System Already Here?
China is well-known for having a system that grades its citizens, but the United States is not immune to it. In fact, there are many credit reporting agencies that carry out similar work in America. The difference is that China’s social credit score system ranks citizens based on the behaviors,
while in the U.S., it lists financial standing and other factors relevant to monetary transactions. America is slightly different than China in that conservatives are oppressed and punished while following the law while the left, who does align with the current administration, has incredible latitude. China reportedly punishes anyone and everyone stepping out of line.
The X factor is the race card in America that China does not have. Notice how the left call white people racist simply because of skin color and lauds China. In reality, China is so racist that they do not allow mixed race culture, homosexuality, or any of the LGBTQ agenda. China uses child slave labor and is at the top of polluters in the world yet the US is so bad!
This is a new world order, great reset plan to bring down America and they use race to divide and conquer. China has been targeted as the model nation to lead the globalist new world order great reset. There was no race issue since the 70s in my opinion and many people of color agree but it has been stirred up to bring us down.

The second amendment thankfully is still in effect even though the Biden administration is feverishly making plans to alter that. The supreme court recently stepped up and shot down democrats latest gun grab and we all should be celebrating this! The Chinese people do not have guns whereas we have millions and can ward off government tyranny with them. Biden already mentioned that this thinking is foolish since government has tanks and high tech weapons!
Wow, to even be talking like that is sheer mega maniacal tyranny! Even though most of the population is asleep at the wheel, once the pain totally exceeds the pleasure and shit hits the fan, I believe the American people will fight back and this terrifies the new world order creeps!
Remember, people have already taken life altering shots simply because they were told they could get back to normal! This was crazy to me but not billions of people world wide! Sheeple, and sorry if you took the jab, simply did what they were told by demonic vampires that want you dead! No need to investigate what is in the shot or be concerned that the drug companies have no liability for injuries or death sustained.
Stop Being Sheep and Trusting Politicians to Make Your Decisions!
Just take the shot, and another, and another and oops, you have no immune system left. Sorry, but you still need to get boosters to update your vax passport!
Now it’s children as young as 6 months old! Wake up! People are dying from these shots and becoming disabled. The globalist’s hope is to have the population so compromised that we will do anything for so called “safety”. Enter the social scoring system. Anything to keep us safe! It’s an illusion and psychopaths are relentlessly trying to control and kill!
Vax passport? Social credit score? Trump voter, have your banking taken away? Social credit score? No vax, no entry, no service, no food? Social credit score? Wrong politics, banned from social media? Social credit score? Starting to see the picture? Who do these old psychopaths in DC think they are? Do not believe for a second that they don’t want to control and ruin lives! Pay attention before they slip this through congress and ratify it in the Senate! Be proactive in your state and do not let them destroy America!
If it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck and takes to the water like a duck, it’s probably a duck. You can call it whatever you want but it’s pretty obvious that we are on track and following the globalist game plan. They want to fully rollout the social credit system in the US by 2025 or sooner. They already proved that we will buy the BS and close our businesses, take experimental shots, social distance, wear masks, etc. We passed the brain dead test!
15 days to flatten the curve. Remember that? Going on three years now and not one criminal such as Fauci or Bill Gates has been arrested. Most people keep thinking that the powers that be of our government have our best interests in mind!
Sheeple keep following orders that make no sense. We are encouraged to do no research and continue to believe that this will all end at some point. That is not how the Marxist playbook works and if you read the history of this and communism, it is playing out again today but in America!
One thing the Marxist handbook employs is how they gain control over people similar to mental or physical abusers do. Malignant narcissists through psychopaths use the same playbook of evil. This involves conditioning the victim to believe that they are initially doing what is best for them and the pain that follows is necessary but temporary. Once the sheeple fall for this, they get a reprieve from the abuse like when our initial lockdown ended.
It is like a giant anaconda snake that will squeeze you and let up only to squeeze harder the next stage. It’s like Stockholm syndrome to get people conditioned to the abuse and get used to it and not realize that each time gets a little worse! Believe me when I say that the demons are planning new lockdowns right now and likely to take place around the ‘22 mid-terms. As long as we comply, it will get worse! The latest hoax being suggested is monkey pox! Crazy and if you fall for it, God help you.
What if we don’t comply?

Strength comes from numbers and why the demons are doing everything they can to isolate us socially. Divide and conquer remember? Social distance, work from home, wear masks, etc. don’t gather in groups, it’s all to alienate us from each other. You see, non-compliance and peaceful protests work but not if there’s only a handful of participants.
What can the demons do if we all stand up to the tyranny? Nothing! They will slither back under their rocks for another day, year or decade. They are very patient and have planning this US take over for around 100 years!
Here’s the catch and similarity to the Chinese social credit score. Most sheeple will go along to get along and not rock the boat. I try to talk to everyone I can about these issues and over half become instantly uncomfortable and say something like, I don’t like talking about this subject or I have nothing to hide so I just do what they say! It blows my mind when I tell people that Obama put into law by executive order that lying through the media to the American people was legal for security!
Time to Wake Up and Become Informed and Proactive!
Yes, propaganda lies have been legal since around 2014 and Trump did nothing to reverse this! What is the average response? Usually a blank stare or the go to, I have nothing to hide response or I don’t get involved! People are in a coma while our nation is being destroyed! Our rights are being taken away constantly and people don’t care! It’s like the boiled crab doesn’t realize he is being cooked to death if it is done slowly!
There are still lots of people wearing masks even without mandates, so the brainwashing experiment worked! Let’s see if we go back to lockdowns next time or if Americans reclaim our birthright and say NO, HELL NO!
We are Americans and live in the greatest nation ever to exist on earth! It is insane to let China take the lead when they could hardly wipe their asses less than a hundred years ago! Stop believing the propaganda that simply flies in the face of logic and truth and reclaim your rights as Americans before we become slaves of a social credit score and lose our humanity! Regardless of your politics, freedom is cool and we should all agree and band together to take it back!
Check out our article on prepping for food scarcity