Manipulate Them to Work Better & Kill Hunger for Free!
I have a confession to make. After writing and creating a video on this subject, I had a revelation. Yes, the pinpointing of these hunger regulating hormones makes sense but I missed the bigger picture. The video is Youtube friendly and won’t get banned like others I have produced but the real story and my hypothesis will only be found in this writing. I am convinced that my theory that follows could possibly be the holy grail for weight loss and health! Read on only if you have an open mind and like alternative solutions…..
The melanocyte-stimulating hormones are known collectively as MSH. These are also known as melanotropins or intermedins, a family of peptide hormones and neuropeptides. These consist of α-melanocyte-stimulating hormone, β-melanocyte-stimulating hormone, and γ-melanocyte-stimulating hormone. Both are produced by cells in the pars intermedia of the anterior lobe of the pituitary gland. If these two hormones are working properly, they can effectively kill hunger! Learn what natural methods and supplements can be used to tweak these hormones to bend to your will and kill hunger!
This is not to say that there aren’t other methods to kill hunger. Diet pills, thermogenic compounds, ephedrine variants, etc. These kill hunger but have side effects for sure. Why not manipulate and optimize your body’s natural hormones to do the job? It’s certainly better than the alternatives and worth a try! My hypothesis on how these hormones get activated follows below after the science and supplemental options are discussed.
Cholecystokinin AKA – CCK
Cholecystokinin is a peptide hormone of the gastrointestinal system responsible for stimulating the digestion of fat and protein. Officially called pancreozymin, it is synthesized and secreted by enteroendocrine cells in the duodenum, a segment of the small intestine. Its presence causes the release of digestive enzymes and bile from the pancreas and gallbladder, respectively, and also acts as a hunger suppressant.
MSH, known as a pre hormone collection of around 115 peptides that kill hunger. This hormone is also involved with controlling the melanin output dictating skin pigment. It is also affected by UV light. Red light therapy is also one of the tools used to kill hunger and lose weight.
Other Therapies are Gaining Attention
As far as weight control is concerned with this pre hormone, letting sunlight hit the eyes in the earlier daylight hours triggers this substance to curtail our hunger. It is tied to our evolution and when the sun and weather is good as in the summer months, our appetite naturally is lowered. You may also consider getting a red light device that emits UV rays in the 600 to 850 light spectrum. It is safe to look into this led light source for a few minutes at a time and does the same as natural sunlight with additional skin rejuvenation benefits.
An interesting side note is a synthetic known as Melanotan, sold for years to artificially tan the skin and lose body fat. It is an injectable peptide that darkens your skin while blunting appetite and also boosting sexual desire for men. It somehow interacts with MSH in this process. I tried this peptide many years ago and had horrible side effects such as vomiting so I discontinued immediately. I would not put this one at the top of the list but the connection to melanocytes is notable.
Supplements to Optimize Results
Research indicates we can trigger this peptide to signal satiation by supplementing Omega 3 fish oil and CLA, conjugated linoleic acid, another oil that can be supplemented like fish oil.
One more substance, an amino acid called Glutamine, can also activate this peptide to stop sugar craving and subsequent hunger pangs and craving for carbs and sugar.
Pump up your omega 3 intake, remove your sunglasses and go outside and let the UVB rays in. Use CLA with carnitine and reap further fat loss benefits. Look into the vast benefits of red light therapy in addition to incorporating the aforementioned therapies.
Here is My Theory on Manipulating Melanocytes
Before I discuss my theory, here is an excerpt from Harvard.
The impact of sun exposure on longevity was relatively small. Even those with the greatest sun exposure only benefited from an extra 7 months to 2 years of life.
This study detected an association between sun exposure and a lower frequency of certain causes of death; however, that’s not the same as proving that sun exposure was the cause of longer life. It could turn out that there is another explanation for these results that has little to do with sun exposure itself. For example, perhaps people with more sun exposure tend to be more active, smoke less, and have healthier diets. The researchers tried to account for other factors such as these in their analysis, but it’s always possible that something important was overlooked.
The reason why more sun exposure might prolong life or prevent heart disease deaths could not be determined by this study. Because the sun’s UV light triggers chemical reactions in the skin that lead to the production of vitamin D, it’s possible that vitamin D is responsible for the health benefits of sun exposure described in this study. And that could mean vitamin D supplements would promote longer life free of heart disease, even without sun exposure.
My response is, Duh, anyone from my age group knows that getting out in the sun improves health! Are we so far gone as a society to think this is a revelation? I don’t fault the younger generations since they have been hammered with the idea that the sun will kill them! Slather the sun screen on, remain inside, don’t get more than 20 minutes of sun, etc., etc. What are we, vampires? So, what a surprise that we live longer if spending more time in the sun!
You might say, yeah, I get it but still don’t think it’s safe with cancer and all. It’s difficult to break the brainwashing, I get it. You might be saying that substituting the sun with D supplementation is the way to go. I only partially agree.
I have experimented with all forms of sun bathing, tanning, light therapy along with D supplementation. It is my belief that D supplementation is only an adjunct to real UVB rays. Don’t get me wrong, I think it helps to maintain our D levels but without the sun, it is lacking. Sort of like a knockoff painting or other object that looks very similar but lacks authenticity.

A deficiency in melanocyte-stimulating hormone results in a lack of skin pigmentation and subsequent loss of natural protection from UV rays of the sun. In secondary adrenal insufficiency, damage to the pituitary gland prevents release of adrenocorticotropic hormone and melanocyte-stimulating hormone and there is reduced pigmentation of the skin. Melanocyte-stimulating hormone deficiency can cause increased inflammation, pain, and sleeping problems, as well as a reduction in the levels of anti-diuretic hormone, which causes thirst and frequent urination. Melanocyte-stimulating hormone deficiency may also result in increased food intake and obesity. Did you catch that last revelation?
Is it coincidence that melanocytes , UV and hunger are intimately connected? I don’t think so yet we never hear about this from fat loss experts, doctors or the government institutions! Here I go again with another conspiracy theory but bear with me for a moment.
In other articles referring to vitamin D, I referenced the demonization of how various institutions in power including the AMA convinced the public that sun bathing was bad. Of course, as you know, we get D from the sun through our skin. Melanocytes process the UV rays and our metabolic processes eventually convert it to vitamin D or cholecalciferol. Do you see where I am going with this?
Vitamin D Wiki is the best source for vitamin D research and they list what are called co-factors for D absorption. Fish oil, boron, magnesium and many others are co-factors. As mentioned in this article, these can help but alone, they are like band-aids in the big picture.

My other articles on D go into how this essential life giving hormone became demonized by Rockefeller 90 years ago and has remained that way ever since. Bill Gates has announced his plans to blot out the sun because of the fake global warming. Chemtrails block the suns rays currently. Every globalist corporation is on board with the narrative of staying out of the sun. It is truly a new world order, great reset, plan to exterminate billions of us!
High dose vitamin D proponents claim to see increasing health benefits when getting blood levels to 100 mg/dcl and far above the government recommendation of around 30. They already know from the 1930’s that high dose D levels made the population nearly disease free! The average consumption of D back then was over 25mg per day or nearly one million IU! Please research this on your own! They have buried this information as much as possible and have billions of people believing that the sun is bad and vitamin D is near worthless.
So, I truly believe that getting sun daily is the number one goal and vitamin D supplementation is a great adjunct. It is all about getting the UVB rays on the skin to activate the melanocytes! Yes, they can burn you if not careful and build up to it but once you have developed the tanned barrier, you can spend all day in the sun!

I recall growing up and being outdoors for hours on end. Today, we hole out indoors and get a fraction of sun compared to those decades ago. The average weight of a man was 150 lbs in the mid 20th century and is now over 180! I am convinced that there is a direct correlation! We could go all day without hunger and eat as much sugar as we wanted without getting fat. Currently, when I get immersed in computer research and fail to get sun for days on end, my appetite increases massively! When I get daily sun and or tanning bed time and take vitamin D, I maintain weight and can go all day sometimes without eating and not be hungry! Sure, there are genetically thin people and those who starve themselves to maintain weight but then there are the billions like us!
Most people have jobs indoors and just don’t get outside enough. Dr. Mercola got threatened with his license when he was selling his UVB tanning beds. He had to stop and disavow to this day how helpful they are for fear of banishment! I suggest getting a tanning bed or join a club where you can use it regularly. In addition, go outside for a minimum of 30 minutes around midday. Look into high dose vitamin D with K2. I take around 50k IU a day in addition to UVB rays. Red light therapy is interesting and beneficial for skin and organs but does not have UVB rays. Sun gazing during dusk is another interesting factor but it really boils down to getting the UVB rays in my opinion. Vitamin D can be hit or miss on absorption and could be lacking other components only the sun can give us. The melanocytes in our skin were designed to receive the sun and convert it to hundreds of metabolic functions!
Please do not fear the sun and all the negative press on UV rays. Go slow with 15 minutes if light skinned and increase up to an hour without sunscreen! Sunscreen blocks all the benefits you get by making vitamin D through the skin. Monitor your hunger at the same time and I believe that you will notice a decrease in craving foods.
The sun is a miracle and weight loss cure that is literally staring us in the face and yet demonized by the globalist devils since they know, it will make you very healthy!
I hope you take this information to heart and do your own further research. May you have great health!
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